Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Teachable moments
What a great little teachable moment and I am glad I didn't miss it!
Monday, May 30, 2005
I was thinking about how much time and energy it takes me to coach this team. I was wondered if it was worth it, and I was suddenly aware of the significant value in taking the time to befriend, train, encourage and mentor a few girls. My prayer is that one day my love for God and my love for others will pay off in more ways than just having fun together playing ball.
I wished I could see me from their perspective. What do they notice most about me? What do they think is crazy and what do they admire about who I am? What about me annoys them? But I suppose this is all just in my head. Maybe they don't even think about any of this. I hope that the Lord is somehow rubbing off on them by osmosis!
Saturday, May 28, 2005
No Yoke No Gentleness
How about it, could you do with a little more gentleness in your relationships? Then don’t delay, get started as soon as you can. Give one of your town pastors a call and ask them to help you with this journey. You will not regret it.
Monday, May 23, 2005
A mini united nations gathering
I wonder if we spend too much time worrying about what tag people should be wearing. Trying to fit them into nice tidy little boxes so we can judge them as being "in or out" based on what they believe or where they come from or even their heritage. I believe Jesus was the master at just loving people no matter who they were. He had a way of dealing with others that was always winsome and honest. He loved people because...well because... they were people. They were people who needed love, just like me.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Finding the right gear
I asked her to apply the parking brake but it didn't work. Whenever she would take her foot off the brake pedal the car would quickly begin rolling backwards down the hill. And every time she tried to move forward the car would stall. The smell of an over worked clutch and a hot engine was unmistakable. We finally got her out of the car by shutting it down. I slid into her seat, put the car into first gear and drove up and around the corner to a level spot in the road. She was extremely grateful and as it turned out she was a few hundred feet from her destination.
Sometimes something so simple as using the right gear to start with can make the difference between moving forward, stalling or worse, rolling backwards uncontrollably down a steep hill. We try over and over, doing the same things the same way but somehow expecting different results. Our level of frustration grows, our anger deepens and we feel so humiliated. When all the while what we really need is someone who can drive well to slide in behind the wheel and get us moving in the right direction. We need to stop striving and start trusting another. We give up the wheel to another who will help us get to our destination. There is no better driver to trust than the Lord Jesus Christ. It is time to slide out from behind the wheel of your life and to trust him with it.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Death becomes us
Being prepared for one's death is a vital element in the process. Sometimes death comes suddenly but other times it takes it's time. Mercy time really, time to cry out to the creator of life, time to make our peace with the Almighty, time to settle accounts with family and friends. None of us knows when it will be our day. It is appointed that we die once and after that we face the judgment. For some it will the judgment of either eternal life or damnation. For others who have believed in Jesus as Christ and Lord it will be the judgment of deeds done here on earth. The death of friends and loved ones enables us to examine our lives, encourages us to make the changes needed, messages our thoughts about eternity, about the next life after this one. King Solomon figured out that sorrow is better than laughter for sadness can have a refining influence upon us. Death becomes us!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
We lost a good one last night
Yesterday morning I had to walk down town to get the keys to my vehicle from my wife. On the way there I was struck by the absolute beauty of the area I live. My mind went to Brad, whose job it was to make our little town look great. At that moment I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me that I should seek the Lord to forgive Brad's sins. I don't fully understand this prayer and it did seem a little odd to me but I did it anyway. He then told me to pray that He would speak to Brad in his mind while he lay there basically unable to speak. He comforted me that He would walk Brad through this "valley of the shadow of the death". It was a terrific moment in prayer and it is especially precious to me now that Brad is gone on. I was going to tell him this experience today when I was going to visit him. But instead I shared it with his family and they felt great comfort from it.
Thanks God for those sweet sweet moments yesterday morning. They have brought me great comfort as well.
We lost a good one last night!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Time off is good behavior
Today was my day off. I relaxed, I did some yard work, I enjoyed some TV and I went to firefighters practice. I walked down to my wife's office and we had a cup of coffee together. I was able to go pick up Paige from school as her allergies were giving her a headache. I feel so blessed for having been faithful to my day off. I am convinced that working 7 days a weeks is seriously damaging to us as human beings. I am convinced that the cycle of 6 days of work and one day of rest was not just a command but a command that had our very best interests in mind. It was also one of the most common failures of the ancient Israelites. They constantly disregarded the Sabbath and God constantly made them pay for it. Why is it so tough to keep a Sabbath? Why is it so difficult for us today to lay down our tools, our pens, the business of our busy lives for some good old fashioned R & R. I have been faithful to my day off for about 18 years of ministry. Only a handful of times have I violated it and that was for a serious reason like an accident, a death or a special service of some kind. That's it, as far as I can remember I have been a faithful day-off kinda guy. I always feel refreshed and ready for a new week after taking my Mondays off. Thanks for the great idea God!
Lack of fire
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Man 2 man and man 2 25 14 year old girls
I am so blessed. Thank you Lord for awesome kids.
Friday, May 13, 2005
When boys miss the bus
I think it would be safe to say we've all shared in this little man's dilemma. We have all been late for something, sometimes being late turns out ok and our moms drive us to school. However, sometimes being late can be very costly. Sometimes what we're late for has such magnitude, such enormous importance that to miss it is to miss out on life itself. I'm talking about missing the opportunity to make peace with God. To experience a dynamic relationship with the Almighty. To miss this opportunity is to miss out not only on eternity with him but it is to miss him in the here and now. To miss his wonderful life giving presence and his grace and power to serve and help the rest of humanity experience his full and free life now before it is too late. Believe me you don't want to miss the bus on this issue!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The joys of coaching
Monday, May 09, 2005
Preaching the Word
Following the service I had coffee with an old friend whose wife has had a long history of being unfaithful to him and this last one was the last straw. While I was sad for my friend, he seemed in a pretty good place and I was very grateful for my awesome wife and our terrific relationship. The girls and I took her out for mothers day meal in Summerland and it was great fun. All in all it has been a terrific day of ministry. Thank you Lord and it sure is good to be back in the saddle again.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Love displayed by a devoted wife
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
First day in the office
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
First day back was smooth
Sunday, May 01, 2005
so it comes to an end in two hours