I had a bag of dog food stolen out of the back of my truck in the two hour span it was sitting outside my office. I was there tiding up some loose ends at the end of the day on Friday. When I went back to buy another bag on Saturday it happened to be the same guy standing behind the counter who had sold me the first bag. He remembered me and he had that "what did you do with the last bag of dog food you bought here?" look on his face. So I told him what happened and he felt sorry for me and decided to give me the replacement bag even though I was willing to pay for. There still are some good people still out there!
I preached my first sermon of the last month of ministry in Peachland Community Church Sunday. I thought it went pretty well considering I had steep competition from a little two year old girl that was wondering around in front and in behind me for the closing point of the message. It was amusing/frustrating to look out over the congregation and see that all eyes were NOT on me but instead were watching her do her little show! You just can't compete with a little kid in a situation like that.
Cheryl and I went and saw the Da Vinci Code Sunday afternoon. After seeing it I'm not too sure what ALL the fuss is about after all it is a fictional story! It seems that the church subculture is consumed with it by the number of books and the zillions of articles out there trying to denounce it. It so happened that while sitting in an A&W restaurant yesterday morning a man who used to live in Peachland several years ago was there. He came over to have a conversation with me that started with, "My uncle is dying in Vancouver and he's been preaching at me for years that I need to get born again. Whenever I hear him say that I think of you because you are the only Christian I have ever met that I truly respect. And here you are right now. Can we talk about this for a minute..." During the conversation he brought up the Da Vinci Code and we were able to discuss it and some of the questions it had brought to his mind. It was good to share the gospel again with someone it has been a few weeks since the last time that has happened. After an hour of conversation he left saying he would think about all I had said on his bike ride down to Vancouver. He gave me his card and wants to be added to our email list so he can keep in the loop of all that is going on. He is currently in the diamond mine business in West Africa.
We Baptized 5 new believers last Sunday in the lake. It was a great celebration. I think about how many times I have been down in the water doing that over the past 13 years. It totally thrills my heart to know that God has really used our ministry here over the years. This truly has been a great harvest ground for the gospel. I hope and pray the next pastor has the same privilege and then some!
We are still searching for a new place to minister. Most days that go by bring up new possibilities. We had to make a choice to follow just one lead at a time to its conclusion or it just got to confusing. Right at this moment we are being pursued by New Zealand. It seems like such a long way away right now but as it stands we are simply putting one foot in front of the other until either we are on Kiwi soil or God shuts that door. Then we would be free to explore the next thing and so on until we find the right place to minister.
Our D.S. preached a great sermon last week in our area. He mentioned the movie "Narnia". At the end of the movie the scene is two kids walking along side the lion. One says to the other, "He is good you know" to which the other responds, "Yes, he is good but he is not tame". I sensed the weight of Spirit in these words upon my heart. Be good Kevin, pursue it with all you've got and be good to others with everything you have. Be good BUT for heavens sake, for the gospels sake, for the sake of the lost, don't be tame! Be a wild man for the kingdom of God. Take risks, never be satisfied with the status quo, avoid what is safe and comfortable. Like King Saul's son Jonathan said to his armor-bearer before the two of them took on a garrison of Philistines, "Perhaps the Lord will be with us!" and he rushed at them head long!
Trust Him after all God is Good all the time!