This week i spent most of my time nose deep in my books over at the Bible College of New Zealand library. The paper this time is a 5000 word essay in commentary format on a parable of my choice. I chose the Good Samaritan and have I ever enjoyed my in-depth study of this well known story. I am almost finished and should have the final touches done by next Wednesday Sept 12th.
I’m not bloging as much because of over use of face book. It seems to have taken over my life. I have way to many contacts and I can’t possibly keep track of them all. Oh well. Once in a while I get a poke or a note from some of my old bible school friends or somebody from the Okanogan. I like that very much.
One of the best things that has happened to me since we got here was spending 7 full days and nights with 2 teachers, 3 moms and 16 teenage girls all kiwi folks. I finally got a good look at the inner workings of the kiwi world. Not to mention I had a lot of fun too. It was full immersion baptism and I loved pretty much every second of it! My roommate Tony, the physics/science teacher is a great guy and we led the team on and off the field together. Much fun and even a few slender chances to engage in a couple of light hearted conversations regarding faith, morals and other religious type conversations.
I have decided to just upload a few pics for you to enjoy of our weekend in Taupo. It really did remind both paige and I of peachland. Situated on a lake, homes going up the hill, long beach along the main drag; Only difference was the two massive volcanoes in the distance. (Which we got a peak of on the way into town and on the last day because the weather was nasty!) Anywho, here are some photos of our experience.