check out this, these people have way to much spare time!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Thanks for sparking a bit of thought and thinking about faith Chris. I have been on a bit of a crusade myself regarding faith and being full of faith. Biblically, there are a few different ways in which the word faith is used. The most Holy Faith would be the set of doctrinal truths, as we would say it today our Statement of Faith. Then there is faith used as the broad sense, the way of faith, we would say today the Christian faith. Then there is faith that is described in Hebrews 11:1 the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. The essence of this faith is assurance and conviction. It is full of life, it is full of hope, it is full of love and it is full of the eternal. It is full of God as God is completely faith-full.
My Christmas message this year focused on the supernatural aspect of the Christmas story. Why did God pull back the curtain so we could read of the supernatural goings on of the angels, of dreams, of the Holy Spirit "overshadowing", of Prophecies, worshippers and prayers. Because the whole story must be believed by faith. Not just faith because we weren't there but faith that any one part of the entire story could somehow be true! Zechariah's silenced voice from disbelief, Mary's servant obedience because she believed by faith in the word of the angel regarding "nothing being impossible with God", The shepherds angelic visitation, Joseph's consistent obedience to his spiritual dreams, Simeons Holy Spirit promise of actually seeing the Lord's salvation, Anna's prophetic utterance, Wise men following a star that disappeared and then reappeared directly above the place where Jesus was and then going home a different way because of a spiritual dream. The whole story comes off so NON-WESTERN, by that I mean so mystical and that it must be accompanied with faith to believe it.
My prayer these days is that I would be a man full of faith; that I would full of assurance that God with me all the time, fully convinced that God can do the impossible in my life, my family, my relationships and my church. Full of faith that is growing day by day until I see him face to face and faith becomes sight.
God is Good- All the Time!
My Christmas message this year focused on the supernatural aspect of the Christmas story. Why did God pull back the curtain so we could read of the supernatural goings on of the angels, of dreams, of the Holy Spirit "overshadowing", of Prophecies, worshippers and prayers. Because the whole story must be believed by faith. Not just faith because we weren't there but faith that any one part of the entire story could somehow be true! Zechariah's silenced voice from disbelief, Mary's servant obedience because she believed by faith in the word of the angel regarding "nothing being impossible with God", The shepherds angelic visitation, Joseph's consistent obedience to his spiritual dreams, Simeons Holy Spirit promise of actually seeing the Lord's salvation, Anna's prophetic utterance, Wise men following a star that disappeared and then reappeared directly above the place where Jesus was and then going home a different way because of a spiritual dream. The whole story comes off so NON-WESTERN, by that I mean so mystical and that it must be accompanied with faith to believe it.
My prayer these days is that I would be a man full of faith; that I would full of assurance that God with me all the time, fully convinced that God can do the impossible in my life, my family, my relationships and my church. Full of faith that is growing day by day until I see him face to face and faith becomes sight.
God is Good- All the Time!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Memories from frozen water
It has been cold enough this year to have an out door skating rink. I know, I know, that is not a big deal to you all but to us here in the mild Okanagan it's a real treat. This year the fire department got a few of it's members to volunteer to make a terrific outdoor skating rink a little way from our house. There is quite a fine art to this procedure and it as taken a few seasons to get it right. Basically, I think you just can't be in any kind of a hurry. One must put thin layers of water down because if you put to much water down at one time the top freezes before the bottom and forms air pockets. And skate blades and air pockets in ice don't mix. I am excited to go over and skate around a bit.
I was thinking about the times when me and a bunch of friends would go skating on the ponds and lakes around B'lodge. We had such a great time except of course for solidly frozen feet that came with it! That nasty sensation of the THAW! When your toes ache right up to the top of your knees! The uncomfortable feeling of taking chilled feet and putting them into ice cold boots! Did I say we had a great time???? I remember freaking out a couple of times when we heard a huge crack as the ice shifted and made a sharp cracking sound. Ever see 15 kids skate for the edges all at the same time. I even remember taking a vehicle out on the ice surface and spinning doughnuts as everything in the cab was tossed from side to side! Oh what fun it is to ride! (Yes dad that was your vehicle!)
Guess I'll just have to find some time before we head for B'lodge and home for Christmas to take the kids over for a skate on the new out door rink. Should be a good time. Make a few of our own memories on frozen water.
Have a good day everyone!
God is good--all the time!
I was thinking about the times when me and a bunch of friends would go skating on the ponds and lakes around B'lodge. We had such a great time except of course for solidly frozen feet that came with it! That nasty sensation of the THAW! When your toes ache right up to the top of your knees! The uncomfortable feeling of taking chilled feet and putting them into ice cold boots! Did I say we had a great time???? I remember freaking out a couple of times when we heard a huge crack as the ice shifted and made a sharp cracking sound. Ever see 15 kids skate for the edges all at the same time. I even remember taking a vehicle out on the ice surface and spinning doughnuts as everything in the cab was tossed from side to side! Oh what fun it is to ride! (Yes dad that was your vehicle!)
Guess I'll just have to find some time before we head for B'lodge and home for Christmas to take the kids over for a skate on the new out door rink. Should be a good time. Make a few of our own memories on frozen water.
Have a good day everyone!
God is good--all the time!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Christmas: Seeds of the Eternal
Lately I have been quite interested in the current surge of attention in our culture toward being entertained by the realities of the spiritual realm. There is a large volume of "spiritual" entertainment that has come over the past few years. On T.V. we are watching a steady diet of the spiritual. With shows like Touched by an Angel, Medium, The Ghost Whisperer, and Missing all relying on the spiritual to help solve crimes and other such type stories. From the movie theatres we have the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter and now the much anticipated C.S. Lewis Classic The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. Certainly they are all classified as fantasy and I don’t want to take this too far, however, the stories that these great movies are made from are from classical books.
These books have had a significant influence upon our modern society. Most of that influence comes in the form of subtle (and at certain points in the stories not so subtle) spiritual content. And the reading/viewing public really eats it up!
Evil is real. However, evil can be overcome by good. Hate, vengeance, power, manipulation can all be overcome by love, forgiveness, courage and wisdom. The story teller’s creative abilities with these basic facts set our hearts at ease. They basically reassure us that the power of love and goodness will ultimately win over all that is rotten and evil in this world. It’s never without a fight and it always seems like evil has the upper hand for most of the story.
The bible is very clear about why we are all so fascinated with the hereafter, the other worldly, the spiritual realms. It teaches that “God has planted eternity in the human heart”. We come by this fascination honestly. You could say it is in our spiritual DNA. We long to know as much as we can about the supernatural. We believe in "lucky charms' or even "superstitions". Some will go to great lengths to pry into the darkness through witchcraft and incantations but only end up spent, depressed and disillusioned at the end of their search. But search they must for God has planted the seeds of eternity in all of our hearts.
In keeping with this theme I want to encourage all of you to check out the Christmas story. It is full of the supernatural. It is truly a spiritual story from start to finish. There were Angels coming and going and God speaking to people. Speaking to young and old alike, all of whom were searching for life and fulfillment just like the rest of us are. The Christmas story is a truly great story! Some have even gone so far as to say the greatest story ever told. However just because it is in the Bible, sadly most folks haven’t bothered to read it. But take the time this Christmas to slow down, grab a bible from somewhere (if you don’t have one give me a call we will try and get one to you somehow) and read this fascinating and wonderful story. It is found mostly in the Bible Books of Matthew and Luke, and in both cases they are in the first couple of chapters of these books. You will see that the reason God planted eternity in our hearts is for us to take interest in spiritual things and so be lead towards a relationship with him.
Please feel welcome to join our Peachland churches this season. Our schedule includes a Christmas service is on December 18th @ 10:30 AM; a Christmas Eve service from 6-7 PM of music and carol singing and a reading of the whole story of Christmas on Christmas morning @ 10:30 AM all in the Peachland Community Center. Check this local paper for times for all of our Peachland church services this season. Don’t allow the fantastic and highly spiritual story of the birth of Jesus Christ to slip past you this year. Merry Christmas everybody!
These books have had a significant influence upon our modern society. Most of that influence comes in the form of subtle (and at certain points in the stories not so subtle) spiritual content. And the reading/viewing public really eats it up!
Evil is real. However, evil can be overcome by good. Hate, vengeance, power, manipulation can all be overcome by love, forgiveness, courage and wisdom. The story teller’s creative abilities with these basic facts set our hearts at ease. They basically reassure us that the power of love and goodness will ultimately win over all that is rotten and evil in this world. It’s never without a fight and it always seems like evil has the upper hand for most of the story.
The bible is very clear about why we are all so fascinated with the hereafter, the other worldly, the spiritual realms. It teaches that “God has planted eternity in the human heart”. We come by this fascination honestly. You could say it is in our spiritual DNA. We long to know as much as we can about the supernatural. We believe in "lucky charms' or even "superstitions". Some will go to great lengths to pry into the darkness through witchcraft and incantations but only end up spent, depressed and disillusioned at the end of their search. But search they must for God has planted the seeds of eternity in all of our hearts.
In keeping with this theme I want to encourage all of you to check out the Christmas story. It is full of the supernatural. It is truly a spiritual story from start to finish. There were Angels coming and going and God speaking to people. Speaking to young and old alike, all of whom were searching for life and fulfillment just like the rest of us are. The Christmas story is a truly great story! Some have even gone so far as to say the greatest story ever told. However just because it is in the Bible, sadly most folks haven’t bothered to read it. But take the time this Christmas to slow down, grab a bible from somewhere (if you don’t have one give me a call we will try and get one to you somehow) and read this fascinating and wonderful story. It is found mostly in the Bible Books of Matthew and Luke, and in both cases they are in the first couple of chapters of these books. You will see that the reason God planted eternity in our hearts is for us to take interest in spiritual things and so be lead towards a relationship with him.
Please feel welcome to join our Peachland churches this season. Our schedule includes a Christmas service is on December 18th @ 10:30 AM; a Christmas Eve service from 6-7 PM of music and carol singing and a reading of the whole story of Christmas on Christmas morning @ 10:30 AM all in the Peachland Community Center. Check this local paper for times for all of our Peachland church services this season. Don’t allow the fantastic and highly spiritual story of the birth of Jesus Christ to slip past you this year. Merry Christmas everybody!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Maybe it's more a pastor thing than anything else. Then again maybe it is typically human for all of us. The fine art of labeling other people. As a pastor I know I tend to label others based on two basic criteria. First, by their foremost or obvious sins. So and so is a liar, that person has a shady character, this person is immoral. The second is by the way that person has either intentionally or unintentionally disappointed me. They said one thing and did another, that person dropped the ball, this person has stopped attending our fellowship. The list could tend to be long and varied for both obvious sins and disappointments. Unfortunately, when I run into these folks, I often find myself unable to look past their sins and disappointments. The labels I create put up barriers that restrict connection with some while in other cases stopping relationship all together.
How do you view people?
In Luke 7 there is a terrific story about a women who came to a Pharisee's home to see Jesus while dinner was being served. Uninvited, unwelcomed and definitely unwanted by those gathered around the table, this women put on a show of extravagant love in desperate measure by wetting Jesus feet with her tears, drying them with her hair and anointing them with expensive perfume. Those around the table had labeled her as a sinner and were busy attaching labels to Jesus because he allowed this show of desperation by letting such a women even touch him.
Jesus whole ministry drove anyone who labels others crazy! He seems to gravitate to the labeled ones. So much so that his label went something like "he is a glutton and a alcoholic and a friend of sinners!" These outcasts found love, acceptance and forgiveness in Jesus and maybe for some of them someone who didn't bother to label them by their sins and their disappointments for the first time in their entire lives.
Lord, help me to train my mind and heart to see all the people around me without attaching labels based on sins and personal disappointments. Show me how to love and accept everyone the way you did and do to this day. Amen.
How do you view people?
In Luke 7 there is a terrific story about a women who came to a Pharisee's home to see Jesus while dinner was being served. Uninvited, unwelcomed and definitely unwanted by those gathered around the table, this women put on a show of extravagant love in desperate measure by wetting Jesus feet with her tears, drying them with her hair and anointing them with expensive perfume. Those around the table had labeled her as a sinner and were busy attaching labels to Jesus because he allowed this show of desperation by letting such a women even touch him.
Jesus whole ministry drove anyone who labels others crazy! He seems to gravitate to the labeled ones. So much so that his label went something like "he is a glutton and a alcoholic and a friend of sinners!" These outcasts found love, acceptance and forgiveness in Jesus and maybe for some of them someone who didn't bother to label them by their sins and their disappointments for the first time in their entire lives.
Lord, help me to train my mind and heart to see all the people around me without attaching labels based on sins and personal disappointments. Show me how to love and accept everyone the way you did and do to this day. Amen.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Something evil this way comes
I've been agitated about something lately. It has to do with the current Christian sub-culture. By that I mean the group of saints that prefer to "hunker and bunker" as individuals and families. By that I mean those who move away from the world rather than follow Christ's simple instruction to be "in" the world but not "of" the world.
Four conversations as of late have made me wonder about those who speak of "all the evil out there in the world". To listen to them you would think that at no other time in the history of mankind has evil been so raw and ramped and unredeemable. One person said that they couldn't even listen to the radio because it is so black and depressing and negative. Another person said that the horrible destruction of property and the lives of so many from the 3 southern states was just a "cleansing" from God on all the vile things going on there. Another person said that they couldn't believe how awful it is out there in the world and that they feel so violated whenever they venture forth into society. Finally, a conversation our youth pastor had with another youth pastor whose church is right across the street from a middle school. She said she couldn't mobilize her young people to care about the hundreds of teens right across the street from where they meet. It happens that of the 15 youth 14 are home schooled individuals and they have no, natta, zip, zero relationships with any kids or teachers from that local area school. When I heard that I flipped my lid!
And that was when it struck me. Have you ever noticed that when you come from inside a cozy warm house and have to step outside the cold winter air actually seems worse than it really is? Once your out in it though, before long you slip your gloves off and undo your jacket zipper a bit and maybe tuck your scarf into one of your jacket pockets. You have adjusted to being outside and it not so bad after all. It still is winter, you still need to be mindful of hypothermia, frost bite and freezing to death but if you keep your wits about you, you can really enjoy the winter air.
If we as Christians stay in our cozy little sub-culture groups. If we never venture out into the big bad world of cold air, if we live with unnecessary fears, then whenever we do venture out, or hear a radio or news broadcast we will be "shocked" at how "awful" it is out there. This then only fuels our desire to keep away from those bad evil people out there. And, sadly on and on it goes...
There I ranted. I got this off of my chest. I believe there is a need for fellowship, for meeting together and experiencing the safety of healthy fellowship. But then we must come down off the mountain to the valley below full of people all searching for life, love, liberty, and longing to leave legacies. Unfortunately they end up being deceived into many different things that rob, steal and kill those dreams. Boy do they need the good news. Just any old good news feels like some alien force they are so used to hearing bad news most the time. If they were to hear our conversations about them and how awful they are I am quite sure they would be unwilling to come in from the cold and experience the warmth of the love of Jesus through us.
Four conversations as of late have made me wonder about those who speak of "all the evil out there in the world". To listen to them you would think that at no other time in the history of mankind has evil been so raw and ramped and unredeemable. One person said that they couldn't even listen to the radio because it is so black and depressing and negative. Another person said that the horrible destruction of property and the lives of so many from the 3 southern states was just a "cleansing" from God on all the vile things going on there. Another person said that they couldn't believe how awful it is out there in the world and that they feel so violated whenever they venture forth into society. Finally, a conversation our youth pastor had with another youth pastor whose church is right across the street from a middle school. She said she couldn't mobilize her young people to care about the hundreds of teens right across the street from where they meet. It happens that of the 15 youth 14 are home schooled individuals and they have no, natta, zip, zero relationships with any kids or teachers from that local area school. When I heard that I flipped my lid!
And that was when it struck me. Have you ever noticed that when you come from inside a cozy warm house and have to step outside the cold winter air actually seems worse than it really is? Once your out in it though, before long you slip your gloves off and undo your jacket zipper a bit and maybe tuck your scarf into one of your jacket pockets. You have adjusted to being outside and it not so bad after all. It still is winter, you still need to be mindful of hypothermia, frost bite and freezing to death but if you keep your wits about you, you can really enjoy the winter air.
If we as Christians stay in our cozy little sub-culture groups. If we never venture out into the big bad world of cold air, if we live with unnecessary fears, then whenever we do venture out, or hear a radio or news broadcast we will be "shocked" at how "awful" it is out there. This then only fuels our desire to keep away from those bad evil people out there. And, sadly on and on it goes...
There I ranted. I got this off of my chest. I believe there is a need for fellowship, for meeting together and experiencing the safety of healthy fellowship. But then we must come down off the mountain to the valley below full of people all searching for life, love, liberty, and longing to leave legacies. Unfortunately they end up being deceived into many different things that rob, steal and kill those dreams. Boy do they need the good news. Just any old good news feels like some alien force they are so used to hearing bad news most the time. If they were to hear our conversations about them and how awful they are I am quite sure they would be unwilling to come in from the cold and experience the warmth of the love of Jesus through us.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Double Double
2 Ki 2:7-10 Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground. When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?" "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied. "You have asked a difficult thing," Elijah said, "yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours — otherwise not."
Who do you know that would answer the question of Elijah the way Elisha did? Who do you know that would ask the question Elijah did of Elisha?
Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken from you? Tell me what is in your heart? Tell me what is the deepest passion of your soul? Tell me what you desire above all else in this world? Tell me what you see in me that you desire the most?
What if you asked this question of someone you know? What if you asked a close companion what they would want from you before you died? What is the most significant thing you possess that others would want a double portion of if given the chance?
I want a double portion of your spirit. I want what I can't have. I want the most significant thing about you Elijah- your spirit. After following you around for some time now I desire what you have so much and I want it in double portions! I want the boldness you have for what is right, I want the wisdom you possess to pass along to others, I want the devotion you have for the Lord and his work. I want the prayer life you exhibit. I want the miracle working power. I want the prophetic mantle. I want the leadership.
Only Only
want want
twice twice
as as
much much
as as
you you
have! have!
I want to ask for the hard thing. The thing that appears really "out there" to most others. I don't want to settle for the status quo. I want to ask for the things that look really difficult and a lot desperate. There is no guts nor glory is playing it safe all the time.
Give me a double portion of the spirit of Elisha!
Who do you know that would answer the question of Elijah the way Elisha did? Who do you know that would ask the question Elijah did of Elisha?
Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken from you? Tell me what is in your heart? Tell me what is the deepest passion of your soul? Tell me what you desire above all else in this world? Tell me what you see in me that you desire the most?
What if you asked this question of someone you know? What if you asked a close companion what they would want from you before you died? What is the most significant thing you possess that others would want a double portion of if given the chance?
I want a double portion of your spirit. I want what I can't have. I want the most significant thing about you Elijah- your spirit. After following you around for some time now I desire what you have so much and I want it in double portions! I want the boldness you have for what is right, I want the wisdom you possess to pass along to others, I want the devotion you have for the Lord and his work. I want the prayer life you exhibit. I want the miracle working power. I want the prophetic mantle. I want the leadership.
Only Only
want want
twice twice
as as
much much
as as
you you
have! have!
I want to ask for the hard thing. The thing that appears really "out there" to most others. I don't want to settle for the status quo. I want to ask for the things that look really difficult and a lot desperate. There is no guts nor glory is playing it safe all the time.
Give me a double portion of the spirit of Elisha!
Friday, November 18, 2005
How high are your expectations? I have been wondering about a quote that I read some time ago. The quote went something like this... "Christians in general are far to easily pleased." The context had to do with our deep down core value of faith. Faith in what we believe God can accomplish through us or even just what God can do period! It has to do with setting our expectations of what God wants to do too low; With being more and more satisfied with the status quo: With being less and less concerned with risking for God or exchanging that heart of passionate calculated risk for passion for an increasingly comfortable way of living. It has to do with expecting Christ to change peoples hearts and lives when we pray for them; Rather than hoping our prayers get answered so we don't look to ridiculous in front of others. It has to do with being desperate and recognizing our pathetic nature and how we are to be pitied above the other creatures of God's creation.
I sometimes wonder at the western idea of what commitment means. It is a word that gets thrown around a fair bit in church circles. But what does it refer to? It may mean greater attendance at church functions more than it means stepping out and taking a risk of faith by being vulnerable and honest with fears and heaven forbid some honest tears. It may mean supporting financially or spending more time in prayer and word study to some. But what if all it means is that instead of endlessly studying or endlessly praying or endlessly attending meetings we actually step out and minister God's powerful love to lost, lonely and mostly unaccepted people in our communities?
I love this story. It sets my heart and imagination aflame. I like it but I hate it at the same time. I like it because it shows there could be so much more that I expect. I hate it because I know how many arrows I would have stuck in the ground? I will let the story do the rest so here it is.
"2 Kings 13:14-20 Elisha came down sick. It was the sickness of which he would soon die. Jehoash king of Israel paid him a visit. When he saw him he wept openly, crying, "My father, my father! Chariot and horsemen of Israel!" Elisha told him, "Go and get a bow and some arrows." The king brought him the bow and arrows. Then he told the king, "Put your hand on the bow." He put his hand on the bow. Then Elisha put his hand over the hand of the king. Elisha said, "Now open the east window." He opened it. Then he said, "Shoot!" And he shot. "The arrow of GOD's salvation!" exclaimed Elisha. "The arrow of deliverance from Aram! You will do battle against Aram until there's nothing left of it." "Now pick up the other arrows," said Elisha. He picked them up. Then he said to the king of Israel, "Strike the ground." The king struck the ground three times and then quit. The Holy Man became angry with him: "Why didn't you hit the ground five or six times? Then you would beat Aram until he was finished. As it is, you'll defeat him three times only." Then Elisha died and they buried him.
The holy man became angry that the king had such low expectations of the "arrow of God's Salvation".
How many arrows would you have struck the ground with?
I sometimes wonder at the western idea of what commitment means. It is a word that gets thrown around a fair bit in church circles. But what does it refer to? It may mean greater attendance at church functions more than it means stepping out and taking a risk of faith by being vulnerable and honest with fears and heaven forbid some honest tears. It may mean supporting financially or spending more time in prayer and word study to some. But what if all it means is that instead of endlessly studying or endlessly praying or endlessly attending meetings we actually step out and minister God's powerful love to lost, lonely and mostly unaccepted people in our communities?
I love this story. It sets my heart and imagination aflame. I like it but I hate it at the same time. I like it because it shows there could be so much more that I expect. I hate it because I know how many arrows I would have stuck in the ground? I will let the story do the rest so here it is.
"2 Kings 13:14-20 Elisha came down sick. It was the sickness of which he would soon die. Jehoash king of Israel paid him a visit. When he saw him he wept openly, crying, "My father, my father! Chariot and horsemen of Israel!" Elisha told him, "Go and get a bow and some arrows." The king brought him the bow and arrows. Then he told the king, "Put your hand on the bow." He put his hand on the bow. Then Elisha put his hand over the hand of the king. Elisha said, "Now open the east window." He opened it. Then he said, "Shoot!" And he shot. "The arrow of GOD's salvation!" exclaimed Elisha. "The arrow of deliverance from Aram! You will do battle against Aram until there's nothing left of it." "Now pick up the other arrows," said Elisha. He picked them up. Then he said to the king of Israel, "Strike the ground." The king struck the ground three times and then quit. The Holy Man became angry with him: "Why didn't you hit the ground five or six times? Then you would beat Aram until he was finished. As it is, you'll defeat him three times only." Then Elisha died and they buried him.
The holy man became angry that the king had such low expectations of the "arrow of God's Salvation".
How many arrows would you have struck the ground with?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
What do you do when you are discouraged? I have now been asked that question 3 times over the past 36 hours. All of the comments were made in regard to our little church. Over the past 4 years we have been in a steady decline in attendance, participation, ownership, commitment and finances. We have a pretty solid core of about 40-50 people who rarely miss out on a Sunday morning gathering. We have about that many or maybe a bit more involved in our Life Groups on a faithful basis and we have a life group meeting every day of the week except Sunday's. We have new faith, we have pre faith, and we have immature, maturing and mature christians and ages ranging from 0 - 70 within the fellowship. However, over the past 3 months several long time attendees and others have left to find "greener pastures". Many have said that they love our church, they don't want to leave our church but they feel they must leave and often for "family" type reasons (at least that's the one they admit too). "Our kids need more"; "our youth need more"; "our children attend this other fellowship"; "some of our needs are not being met"; are the vast majority of statements used to describe why people are leaving. In most respects it is basically consumer driven not Holy Spirit driven. Also, the ghost of past success has never really left us alone. We used to have 230 on a regular basis to church; 60-70 children in Sunday School; 40-50 young people in our youth ministry. We used to have so much extra money that we wondered what God wanted us to do with it and now we can barely pay my salary. And so, discouragement seems to be the dominant conversation people are having over coffee with others. This tends to breed more and more discouragement and on and on it goes.
I have a pattern that I follow whenever I start to get that discouraged feeling. Mostly it starts with talking out-loud to myself and that usually while I am driving (or mowing the lawn). This is usually where I work out some of the angrier parts of my feeling of discouragement. Then after I do that I start to lay out the scenario as I perceive it in my mind to God. Then I begin asking the Lord for his perspective on the situation. Then I begin to praise him and seek the Lord to renew my mind, heart and emotions and bring me a refreshing sense of his power and Joy (strength).
I started this process many years ago while I was still in high school after I heard the story of David found in 1 Sam. 30:1-6. The families of David and his merry men had been taken captive by the Amelikites. They had attacked the city, burned it to the ground and took everyone in it captive while David and his men were off raiding the Philistines. When they got back you can imagine the horror, anger and discouragement of the men as they find that all that mattered most to them was gone. This slowly turned to blame and then quickly to rage against David as their leader. Then in verse 6 it records what David did, it says; 1 Sa 30:6 David was now in serious trouble because his men were very bitter about losing their wives and children, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the LORD his God.
Since hearing this I have made it a growing practice/discipline not to try and find strength in anything else except in the Lord. It seems clear to me that there really is no where else to turn to rid myself of discouragement. And, it is something that I can do several times a day if the need warrants it.
Maybe if you find yourself discouraged today this scripture can help you. The Word of God can help you find strength and courage to face whatever it is you are facing in the strength that the Lord wants to provide for you. What else is there to do with the nasty little beast called discouragement?
I have a pattern that I follow whenever I start to get that discouraged feeling. Mostly it starts with talking out-loud to myself and that usually while I am driving (or mowing the lawn). This is usually where I work out some of the angrier parts of my feeling of discouragement. Then after I do that I start to lay out the scenario as I perceive it in my mind to God. Then I begin asking the Lord for his perspective on the situation. Then I begin to praise him and seek the Lord to renew my mind, heart and emotions and bring me a refreshing sense of his power and Joy (strength).
I started this process many years ago while I was still in high school after I heard the story of David found in 1 Sam. 30:1-6. The families of David and his merry men had been taken captive by the Amelikites. They had attacked the city, burned it to the ground and took everyone in it captive while David and his men were off raiding the Philistines. When they got back you can imagine the horror, anger and discouragement of the men as they find that all that mattered most to them was gone. This slowly turned to blame and then quickly to rage against David as their leader. Then in verse 6 it records what David did, it says; 1 Sa 30:6 David was now in serious trouble because his men were very bitter about losing their wives and children, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the LORD his God.
Since hearing this I have made it a growing practice/discipline not to try and find strength in anything else except in the Lord. It seems clear to me that there really is no where else to turn to rid myself of discouragement. And, it is something that I can do several times a day if the need warrants it.
Maybe if you find yourself discouraged today this scripture can help you. The Word of God can help you find strength and courage to face whatever it is you are facing in the strength that the Lord wants to provide for you. What else is there to do with the nasty little beast called discouragement?
Friday, November 11, 2005
Don’t Forget to Remember!
I am notoriously forgetful but only when it comes to remembering things. In fact I can pretty much forget just about anything and not even feel guilty because I don'’t remember what it was I forgot! That is until someone comes along and awakens my guilt by reminding me of what it was I was supposed to have remembered. Confused yet? Me to!
It seems to me that when it comes to forgetting it can be either good or bad depending on what is supposed to be recalled to memory. It may surprise you that it can be a good thing that some things are forgotten. When horrible events happen the trauma associated with them can push those things to the back of our memories. We are designed this way as a defense mechanism and it is important that this happens to enable us to go on functioning until a more opportune time comes to deal with the trauma. Sometimes these hidden memories can lay dormant for a long time until that person is confronted with them by some event or situation that triggers the recall.
A bad thing to forget is your spouse'’s birthday or your wedding anniversary or some other important date like that. It is also a bad thing when forgetting leads to being seen as unreliable or irresponsible. This kind of forgetfulness basically devalues other people, their time and their efforts. It is very frustrating to those around us and can even sour some relationships if things don'’t improve over time.
History repeats itself because of forgetfulness. One reason that wisdom and discernment are seemingly on short supply in our day is largely do to the fact that the valuable lessons of history are forgotten. Someone once told me "“A mistake is not a mistake if you learn from it!" I think that means that if the mistake is forgotten then the lessons to be learned are also gone. Sadly we are then doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again until we remember the agony associated with it and make the necessary changes.
Tomorrow we will be reminded of the sacrifices of those who fought in wars to preserve the freedoms that most of simply take for granted. Remembrance Day is an important day for all Canadians because it gives us some practice at remembering the sacrifices of others on our behalf. Thank you to all our veterans for what they had to endure and still do endure that we might enjoy the freedoms we have.
Remembering is also a vital part of the practice of our faith in God. Often we meet and remember the great sacrifice Jesus Christ God'’s only Son made when he died for the sins of the world. We also have a designated time on the calendar to help us to remember this event called Good Friday and also Easter Sunday. Often God warns us in the bible not to forget. Instead we are to memorize, to recall, and to bring to mind the teachings of God and obey them in order to bring ourselves into lives filled with great joy.
So I guess I am saying don'’t forget to remember the sacrifices of others on our behalf. From the sacrifice of the men and women of war to the sacrifice of the Son of God on our behalf, we must never forget by intensionally seeking to remember.
It seems to me that when it comes to forgetting it can be either good or bad depending on what is supposed to be recalled to memory. It may surprise you that it can be a good thing that some things are forgotten. When horrible events happen the trauma associated with them can push those things to the back of our memories. We are designed this way as a defense mechanism and it is important that this happens to enable us to go on functioning until a more opportune time comes to deal with the trauma. Sometimes these hidden memories can lay dormant for a long time until that person is confronted with them by some event or situation that triggers the recall.
A bad thing to forget is your spouse'’s birthday or your wedding anniversary or some other important date like that. It is also a bad thing when forgetting leads to being seen as unreliable or irresponsible. This kind of forgetfulness basically devalues other people, their time and their efforts. It is very frustrating to those around us and can even sour some relationships if things don'’t improve over time.
History repeats itself because of forgetfulness. One reason that wisdom and discernment are seemingly on short supply in our day is largely do to the fact that the valuable lessons of history are forgotten. Someone once told me "“A mistake is not a mistake if you learn from it!" I think that means that if the mistake is forgotten then the lessons to be learned are also gone. Sadly we are then doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again until we remember the agony associated with it and make the necessary changes.
Tomorrow we will be reminded of the sacrifices of those who fought in wars to preserve the freedoms that most of simply take for granted. Remembrance Day is an important day for all Canadians because it gives us some practice at remembering the sacrifices of others on our behalf. Thank you to all our veterans for what they had to endure and still do endure that we might enjoy the freedoms we have.
Remembering is also a vital part of the practice of our faith in God. Often we meet and remember the great sacrifice Jesus Christ God'’s only Son made when he died for the sins of the world. We also have a designated time on the calendar to help us to remember this event called Good Friday and also Easter Sunday. Often God warns us in the bible not to forget. Instead we are to memorize, to recall, and to bring to mind the teachings of God and obey them in order to bring ourselves into lives filled with great joy.
So I guess I am saying don'’t forget to remember the sacrifices of others on our behalf. From the sacrifice of the men and women of war to the sacrifice of the Son of God on our behalf, we must never forget by intensionally seeking to remember.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I liked this so I thought I would just pass it along to the rest of you...
Reading a Chuck Swindoll devotional recently pointed me to Robert Pirsig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and a reminder of a little-heard word these days, gumption. Pirsig writes:
"I like the word gumption because it's so homely and so forlorn and so out of style it looks as if it needs a friend and isn't likely to reject anyone who comes along. It's an old Scottish word, once used a lot by pioneers, but . . . seems to have all but dropped out of use.
"A person filled with gumption doesn't sit around, dissipating and stewing about things. He's at the front of the train of his own awareness, watching to see what's up the track and meeting it when it comes."
As Pirsig applies gumption to life, he does so behind the word picture of repairing a motorcycle:
"If you're going to repair a motorcycle, an adequate supply of gumption is the first and most important tool. If you haven't got that you might as well gather up all the other tools and put them away, because they won't do you any good.
"Gumption is the psychic gasoline that keeps the whole thing going. If you haven't got it, there is no way the motorcycle can possibly be fixed. But if you have got it and know how to keep it, there's absolutely no way in the whole world that motorcycle can keep from getting fixed. It's bound to happen. Therefore the thing that must be monitored at all times and preserved before anything else is gumption."
Sanctified gumption. It's not only handy when you're repairing a motorcycle; it's downright essential to be an effective preacher and church leader( or just a plain ordinary person).
Michael Duduit
Reading a Chuck Swindoll devotional recently pointed me to Robert Pirsig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and a reminder of a little-heard word these days, gumption. Pirsig writes:
"I like the word gumption because it's so homely and so forlorn and so out of style it looks as if it needs a friend and isn't likely to reject anyone who comes along. It's an old Scottish word, once used a lot by pioneers, but . . . seems to have all but dropped out of use.
"A person filled with gumption doesn't sit around, dissipating and stewing about things. He's at the front of the train of his own awareness, watching to see what's up the track and meeting it when it comes."
As Pirsig applies gumption to life, he does so behind the word picture of repairing a motorcycle:
"If you're going to repair a motorcycle, an adequate supply of gumption is the first and most important tool. If you haven't got that you might as well gather up all the other tools and put them away, because they won't do you any good.
"Gumption is the psychic gasoline that keeps the whole thing going. If you haven't got it, there is no way the motorcycle can possibly be fixed. But if you have got it and know how to keep it, there's absolutely no way in the whole world that motorcycle can keep from getting fixed. It's bound to happen. Therefore the thing that must be monitored at all times and preserved before anything else is gumption."
Sanctified gumption. It's not only handy when you're repairing a motorcycle; it's downright essential to be an effective preacher and church leader( or just a plain ordinary person).
Michael Duduit
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Our New Friend
Well this will be my 5th try at getting this to blog! I have had some trouble today with my computer as it keeps crashing on me and I have lost 3 entire blogs just before I posted them and one that was lost a couple of sentences into it. I was trying to write about my dear little Paige. She is most definitely a Nichol to the max. She has inherited the "spill-gene" from her father. She has the dubious distinction of being able to spill pretty much anything, anytime on her clean clothes. It always seems to happen when it matters most to be at least half ways decent looking. This weekend we hauled off to Kamloops for a rockets/blazers hockey game with D & P's camp friends. We had a great time (see the pics on Cheryl’s blog) We had not got through Kelowna when I heard from the back seat, "Dad, we need to go to Wal-Mart and buy a Tide Pen!" I had no idea what she was talking about but it turned out that her friend Janelle had given her some of her chocolate bar and she had chocolate crumbs all over her white rockets baseball shirt. It was quite a mess. So we headed into the bowels of Wal-Mart, she found a Tide Pen on sale; she applied the pen to the various areas of concern and WALAH! It was clean as a whistle! All the chocolate stains and the oil stains that surround the chocolate stains completely GONE! I wonder where the stain went one our friends said when I told them this story. Good question?
So, Paige and I now have a new best friend. The Tide Pen to the rescue! You really should try it!
So, Paige and I now have a new best friend. The Tide Pen to the rescue! You really should try it!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Is it OK?
Recently I was meditating on some scripture and an argument of Jesus caught my attention once again. It has been a while as far as I can remember the last time I was "handled" by this passage of scripture. It is one of those passages that seem to present a conundrum. We all know that obeying the laws of God are vitally essential to life and the pursuit of being wholly holy. They are the bedrock and foundation of a growing relationship with God and of course deeply vital to managing and growing relationships with each other. The only thing the law falls short of is providing salvation but it does manage to point us to Christ who is our salvation.
Anyway, the passage is found in Lk 6:1-5 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands and eat the kernels. 2 Some of the Pharisees asked, "Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?" Jesus answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4 He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions." 5 Then Jesus said to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
So what exactly is Jesus saying here? Each week twelve consecrated loaves of bread, representing the twelve tribes of Israel, would be placed on a table in the house of God, the tabernacle. This bread was called the bread of the Presence (or showbread). At the end of the week, the bread would be replaced with fresh loaves, and the old loaves would be eaten by the priests. On one occasion, the high priest gave this consecrated bread to David and his men to eat as they were fleeing from Saul (and lied about this fact). The priest understood that their need was more important than ceremonial regulations. Although the priests were the only ones allowed to eat this bread, God did not punish David because his need for food was more important than the priestly regulations that he had clearly laid out. Instead, he was emphasizing discernment and compassion in enforcing the laws, something the self-righteous Pharisees did not comprehend. People's needs are more important.
So, does this mean that this story, although stemming from the commandment concerning the Sabbath, simply gives us the freedom to interpret the laws of God, (ceremonial, civil, temple, priestly and moral) with careful discernment that in some ways may mean that we end up disobeying them?
For example....
Is it ok to lie if it is going to save a life?
Is it ok to steal if one is starving?
Is it ok to kill if one's family is being threatened?
Is it ok to remarry if one is dying from loneliness?
Is it ok to disrespect your parents if they are cruel and abusive?
Is it ok to skip a "Sabbath" rest if your livelihood depends on it?
I love it when these types of passages create some good old fashioned thought.
Hope you enjoy this as much as I have.
Anyway, the passage is found in Lk 6:1-5 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands and eat the kernels. 2 Some of the Pharisees asked, "Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?" Jesus answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4 He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions." 5 Then Jesus said to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
So what exactly is Jesus saying here? Each week twelve consecrated loaves of bread, representing the twelve tribes of Israel, would be placed on a table in the house of God, the tabernacle. This bread was called the bread of the Presence (or showbread). At the end of the week, the bread would be replaced with fresh loaves, and the old loaves would be eaten by the priests. On one occasion, the high priest gave this consecrated bread to David and his men to eat as they were fleeing from Saul (and lied about this fact). The priest understood that their need was more important than ceremonial regulations. Although the priests were the only ones allowed to eat this bread, God did not punish David because his need for food was more important than the priestly regulations that he had clearly laid out. Instead, he was emphasizing discernment and compassion in enforcing the laws, something the self-righteous Pharisees did not comprehend. People's needs are more important.
So, does this mean that this story, although stemming from the commandment concerning the Sabbath, simply gives us the freedom to interpret the laws of God, (ceremonial, civil, temple, priestly and moral) with careful discernment that in some ways may mean that we end up disobeying them?
For example....
Is it ok to lie if it is going to save a life?
Is it ok to steal if one is starving?
Is it ok to kill if one's family is being threatened?
Is it ok to remarry if one is dying from loneliness?
Is it ok to disrespect your parents if they are cruel and abusive?
Is it ok to skip a "Sabbath" rest if your livelihood depends on it?
I love it when these types of passages create some good old fashioned thought.
Hope you enjoy this as much as I have.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Who Teaches You?
While studying for a message recently I ran across something that made me stop and think for a while. Actually, I am still pondering it and seeking to let it mold my thinking about how I live life and how I see our fellowship encouraging others to live life. I always enjoy it when I come to these moments in my life; I guess you could say they are "God moments” for me. They can draw attention to something brand new or be the kind of thing that you may already know deep down in your soul somewhere but haven’t really given it words, or concepts to bring substance to it. Sometimes it is directed towards a current situation or time of need and at other times it prepares us for what may be coming down the road, like finding a piece of the puzzle that enables you to put more of that puzzle together. I guess that's why it is called a living faith and not some dead philosophy or religious teaching but rather a living word.
This idea came from a book that I have enjoyed so much I have read it 3 times. It is a book that speaks my language, it shapes my thinking and it soothes my soul. The book is called "Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard. I find my self going back to it often in sermon prep or just to pick up a teachable principle for my leadership or the fellowship in general. I have read a few books like this over the course of my life but right now it is the one with most impact.
The statement I mentioned is found in the section called "On being a disciple, or student, of Jesus." He asks a couple of questions then makes a bold statement. "Who teaches you? Whose disciple are you? Honestly. One thing is sure: You are somebody's disciple. You learned how to live from somebody else. There are no exceptions to this rule. For human beings are just the kind of creatures that have to learn and keep learning from others how to live..."
Maybe, if you get a few hours of quiet time over the next few days or weeks you can enjoy this quote as I have over the past couple of weeks. I have used it to counsel a couple of young people who thought they we "self taught" and "their own persons" but by the end of the session had come to agree with this statement. I have used it in a sermon that got a few "amen’s" and some good old fashioned "humms" as I stopped talking and let this idea sink in a bit deeper.
Who is teaching you right now? Whose disciple are you? Honestly. Who is instructing you how to live at this season of life your in? Whose philosophies of life are you abiding by right now? Whose writings are you drawn to and why? Who have you granted leadership to in order to influence how you handle the day to day stuff of life? Colossians 2:8 Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk. They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never amount to anything. They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of human beings and the empty superstitions of spirit beings. But that's not the way of Christ.
By the way I found a cool sight that gives you some good reading without reading the whole book for those who may be interested; Enjoy!
This idea came from a book that I have enjoyed so much I have read it 3 times. It is a book that speaks my language, it shapes my thinking and it soothes my soul. The book is called "Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard. I find my self going back to it often in sermon prep or just to pick up a teachable principle for my leadership or the fellowship in general. I have read a few books like this over the course of my life but right now it is the one with most impact.
The statement I mentioned is found in the section called "On being a disciple, or student, of Jesus." He asks a couple of questions then makes a bold statement. "Who teaches you? Whose disciple are you? Honestly. One thing is sure: You are somebody's disciple. You learned how to live from somebody else. There are no exceptions to this rule. For human beings are just the kind of creatures that have to learn and keep learning from others how to live..."
Maybe, if you get a few hours of quiet time over the next few days or weeks you can enjoy this quote as I have over the past couple of weeks. I have used it to counsel a couple of young people who thought they we "self taught" and "their own persons" but by the end of the session had come to agree with this statement. I have used it in a sermon that got a few "amen’s" and some good old fashioned "humms" as I stopped talking and let this idea sink in a bit deeper.
Who is teaching you right now? Whose disciple are you? Honestly. Who is instructing you how to live at this season of life your in? Whose philosophies of life are you abiding by right now? Whose writings are you drawn to and why? Who have you granted leadership to in order to influence how you handle the day to day stuff of life? Colossians 2:8 Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk. They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never amount to anything. They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of human beings and the empty superstitions of spirit beings. But that's not the way of Christ.
By the way I found a cool sight that gives you some good reading without reading the whole book for those who may be interested; Enjoy!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Seminar #3
I spent the day in Kelowna at the Willow Park Church enjoying a "pastors care net" seminar on "dealing with difficult people". The highlight for me was taking one of our elders along for the experience. I love this guy he is such a solid leader and asset to our fellowship so it was great to spend that much time with him in one shot. The seminar was pretty good too. Basically, the seminar morning was about seeing conflict as important to our growth and maturity in any relationship. To work at getting the church to have a healthy culture of understanding regarding the necessity and benefits of conflict when it is managed in a healthy fashion. The afternoon was spent dealing with how we manage conflict within our selves. The theme of the afternoon was that the only person I can change in any conflict is me. We also learned about adrenaline. It is basically a poison released into the body to increase blood flow to the heart and brain while taking all blood from the digestive system. If you get to much of it in your system it causes high blood pressure, artery plaque build up and heart failure. So watch out how much adrenaline you don't work out of your system. A good walk and/or a good sleep is generally enough to clean it out of the body.
Both morning and evening were well prepared and well presented and kept our interest level high along with the Q & A session that provided some rounding out of the principles mentioned by the instructors.
One story that was relayed today was a bit shocking. It is a true story that happened in the past couple of years. It is about a senior pastor who had called the care net help line in a bit of a dilemma. It seems that he had got into a serious dispute with his two fellow assistant pastors. As the conflict increased and the tensions grew over the coarse of a few days if finally reached its fever pitch! The two assistant pastors got so aggressive that a fight broke out between the three of them. The two assistants pounded the daylights out of the senior pastor. He was calling the crisis line because he didn't know what to do! SCARY STUFF!
Anyway hope you all had a great day and don't forget
God is good all the time!
Both morning and evening were well prepared and well presented and kept our interest level high along with the Q & A session that provided some rounding out of the principles mentioned by the instructors.
One story that was relayed today was a bit shocking. It is a true story that happened in the past couple of years. It is about a senior pastor who had called the care net help line in a bit of a dilemma. It seems that he had got into a serious dispute with his two fellow assistant pastors. As the conflict increased and the tensions grew over the coarse of a few days if finally reached its fever pitch! The two assistant pastors got so aggressive that a fight broke out between the three of them. The two assistants pounded the daylights out of the senior pastor. He was calling the crisis line because he didn't know what to do! SCARY STUFF!
Anyway hope you all had a great day and don't forget
God is good all the time!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
God may be Good but.....
God may be good all the time but Plymouth Caravans are a piece of crap! Not only are they a piece of crap but they are expensive pieces of crap. They have crappy transmissions, crappy brake systems, crappy electronics, crappy driver seats, crappy back door access, and they get crappy gas mileage!
I hate my vehicle! This is our second transmission in 2 years!
any body want to by a Plymouth caravan???????
Stupid vehicle
I hate my vehicle! This is our second transmission in 2 years!
any body want to by a Plymouth caravan???????
Stupid vehicle
Friday, October 21, 2005
There and Back Again by Bilbo Nichol
Wow I had no idea what I was getting into when I left the house last Friday evening. This whole firefighters chaplain thingy is quite the deal. My butt is sore from the seemingly endless hours and hours sitting in a chair that is made for a 20 minute quick-sit. My mind is numb from the over use it sustained and the sharp and heavy learning curve it had to endure. But, I am now in my family room, surrounded by some of the ones I love the most in this world, and all is right for now. I think there was so much to take in that it may take a couple of weeks just to unravel it all and figure out what is usable and what has to go on a shelf somewhere in the back room of my mind for another day and time. I figure the whole thing must have cost our fire department about $1000.00 all in all to send me to this conference. I am not sure how much of what I learned I can actually put into play in my "paid-on-call" fire department here in Peachland. Most the instruction was geared to the majority of chaplains who "serve those who serve" in professional halls in major centers. But there were still some very helpful, insightful and useful information that I know will come in handy as we deal with the large number of incidents that our little hall deals with in a year.
It was good to have a change of pace, to be in Vancouver, to be treated to a couple of Salmon feasts and to meet some pretty terrific people from all over north America. All of them with a passion to serve their fellow mankind with love, compassion and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. AWESOME!
As a friend of mine always says.... GOD IS GOOD>>> ALL THE TIME!
It was good to have a change of pace, to be in Vancouver, to be treated to a couple of Salmon feasts and to meet some pretty terrific people from all over north America. All of them with a passion to serve their fellow mankind with love, compassion and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. AWESOME!
As a friend of mine always says.... GOD IS GOOD>>> ALL THE TIME!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Critical Incident Command System
Yesterday was all about communication. When hell is unleashed in peoples lives to reduce death and damage a well established and well groomed communications system is absolutely necessary. It is a proven reality that without ICS the reality of the book of Judges takes over. That being that "everyone does what is right in his own eyes" and we all know how well that worked out for the children of Israel. Death, devastation, destruction, divorce and discouragement pretty much describes the whole thing. Today, we are back in the class room for another 6 hours straight followed by a nasty test on the details of this system. The text book is about 2 inches think. My brain has never been so challenged! Oh, well, I wouldn't be anywhere else right now as it has been good to be here for a much needed change of scenery.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Good Stress Bad Stress
We started off the morning in much the same venue as yesterday, that is with the issues relating to death. The number one killer of firefighters on a scene is heart attack. The second killer among firefighters was a little shocking to me. The second killer is suicide. After the class I was talking to a chaplain from Virginia and in his hall alone in the past 2 years 3 firefighters have taken their own lives. The stress on these guys is massive.
Needless to say we spent the day talking about these two subjects and the connection between the two top killers is unmanaged bad stress. Bad stress kills. Bad stress is basically any situation that is out of the control of the firefighters but the basic personality of most firefighters is to want to try and control what is basically uncontrollable. The result is bad stress. Feelings of failure, feelings of depression, mental illness and guilt all take an enormous toll on their personal health and also the well-being of their families. The staggering divorce rates among firefighters are as high as 80%.
Basically the whole morning convinced me of the necessity of the role of Chaplain. To watch the firefighters (myself included), to listen to them, to care about them enough to even talk to chief on their behalf if necessary. To provide a safe place to talk out their stuff and to offer encouragement, wisdom and of course directing them towards some professional help could literally save their lives.
The planners of the day were smart enough to remove us from the heaviness of the mornings classroom by sending us all on three buses for a tour of the city. This was followed by a BBQ Salmon feast at Hall #18. We feasted on fresh fish and listened to the Firefighters Band play some terrific music while we ate. It was a terrific way to end the day.
God is Good All the Time!
See you tomorrow.
Needless to say we spent the day talking about these two subjects and the connection between the two top killers is unmanaged bad stress. Bad stress kills. Bad stress is basically any situation that is out of the control of the firefighters but the basic personality of most firefighters is to want to try and control what is basically uncontrollable. The result is bad stress. Feelings of failure, feelings of depression, mental illness and guilt all take an enormous toll on their personal health and also the well-being of their families. The staggering divorce rates among firefighters are as high as 80%.
Basically the whole morning convinced me of the necessity of the role of Chaplain. To watch the firefighters (myself included), to listen to them, to care about them enough to even talk to chief on their behalf if necessary. To provide a safe place to talk out their stuff and to offer encouragement, wisdom and of course directing them towards some professional help could literally save their lives.
The planners of the day were smart enough to remove us from the heaviness of the mornings classroom by sending us all on three buses for a tour of the city. This was followed by a BBQ Salmon feast at Hall #18. We feasted on fresh fish and listened to the Firefighters Band play some terrific music while we ate. It was a terrific way to end the day.
God is Good All the Time!
See you tomorrow.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Death: the destiny of everyone
I spent the entire day in classes dealing with death. I have had some experience with death as I have done too many funerals and memorial services. But most of today was focused on the death of emergency personal and how to handle that. The protocols alone were completely overwhelming. As one instructor put it; " Nobody does funerals like the fire service".
We learned about "Delivering the Death Message" for the better part of today. I remember a time not long ago, where I had to comfort an EMT after they found a women who had hung herself. I also remember having to go to the two different schools to gather up 3 kids and tell them the bad news that their mother was dead. Thankfully my wife, teachers, principles, and school counselors were so professional and helpful the personal trauma of that event was minimized for myself. I also remember back to a call we took were the man had taken a large caliber rifle and did himself in. I was able to assist a few of the guys who were traumatized from that whole experience. There are also other stories of death that affected many of the fellows in our hall, it goes with the line of work we do. Therefore it is an invaluable thing chaplains do when they are there for and serve those who serve others in their time of need.
I found that throughout the day there were times when I found my own eyes welling up with tears as the instructors broke down expressing their own stories of tragedies. They shared with us their dealings with the reality of death that surrounds the firefighters, their families, friends and of course the thousands of victims that are left behind after death strikes their lives.
The room fell "dead" silent as one presenter walked us through the fallen fire fighters from B.C. over the past year. Very moving.
Death. No one really talks about it much outside of funerals. It did feel a bit strange to be talking about it all day long. Kind of made me feel a bit mortal, like I'm not as invincible as I think or feel I am. Very sobering day. As Solomon said, "Death is the destiny of every man and the living should take it to heart and learn from it." Today I learned about it.
We learned about "Delivering the Death Message" for the better part of today. I remember a time not long ago, where I had to comfort an EMT after they found a women who had hung herself. I also remember having to go to the two different schools to gather up 3 kids and tell them the bad news that their mother was dead. Thankfully my wife, teachers, principles, and school counselors were so professional and helpful the personal trauma of that event was minimized for myself. I also remember back to a call we took were the man had taken a large caliber rifle and did himself in. I was able to assist a few of the guys who were traumatized from that whole experience. There are also other stories of death that affected many of the fellows in our hall, it goes with the line of work we do. Therefore it is an invaluable thing chaplains do when they are there for and serve those who serve others in their time of need.
I found that throughout the day there were times when I found my own eyes welling up with tears as the instructors broke down expressing their own stories of tragedies. They shared with us their dealings with the reality of death that surrounds the firefighters, their families, friends and of course the thousands of victims that are left behind after death strikes their lives.
The room fell "dead" silent as one presenter walked us through the fallen fire fighters from B.C. over the past year. Very moving.
Death. No one really talks about it much outside of funerals. It did feel a bit strange to be talking about it all day long. Kind of made me feel a bit mortal, like I'm not as invincible as I think or feel I am. Very sobering day. As Solomon said, "Death is the destiny of every man and the living should take it to heart and learn from it." Today I learned about it.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
One thing I learned today...
Hi everybody. I'm at the holiday Inn in down town Vancouver and I'm attending a chaplains conference here and I thought I would just journal key thoughts that I learn from the sessions in the day classes.
So today it was refreshing to hear the difference between a pastor/preacher/intercessor vs. The ministry of a Chaplain. It is meant to be a role that is mostly about presence. Just being there for those who are experiencing trouble through some sort of trauma. The firefighters, their spouses and their kids are the priority of our chaplaincy duties. Sort of like Pre-evangelism type ministries. Just being there for them can speak volumes about your faith. And when the time is right they will invite you into their lives and at that time and only at that time you can move towards a pastor, preacher, intercessor type role for them.
This fits so well with my overall philosophy of life. I found myself feeling encouraged that there are others with the same kind of thinking as I have.
God is good.
talk to you tomorrow.
So today it was refreshing to hear the difference between a pastor/preacher/intercessor vs. The ministry of a Chaplain. It is meant to be a role that is mostly about presence. Just being there for those who are experiencing trouble through some sort of trauma. The firefighters, their spouses and their kids are the priority of our chaplaincy duties. Sort of like Pre-evangelism type ministries. Just being there for them can speak volumes about your faith. And when the time is right they will invite you into their lives and at that time and only at that time you can move towards a pastor, preacher, intercessor type role for them.
This fits so well with my overall philosophy of life. I found myself feeling encouraged that there are others with the same kind of thinking as I have.
God is good.
talk to you tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Eating and Talking Around the Table
They say that necessity is the mother of all inventions. When faced with the idea of spending this Thanksgiving without family or friends, something had to be done. My wife and I were spending some quality time in the van between kid drop offs when my wife came up with a brilliant idea. Faced with this thought of a lonely thanksgiving, we would make a feast fit for a huge family gathering. Then we would purchase some tinfoil plates and take packaged meals down to the "Peachland ghetto" as I have heard it called. Then we would tootle off to the Edge Water Hotel and do the same thing. As we talked, the vision changed and grew. Why not host a massive feast at the community centre after church and invite anyone who we thought could be alone this Thanksgiving to come and join us? The day and time were set and we began to pass out invitations and invite people to come so that they wouldn't have to be alone either. My wife's office is right downtown, the window she looks out of faces the street. She passed out invitations to all those who seemed down on their luck and probably would be spending Thanksgiving alone and would enjoy a good turkey dinner. As a part of my sermon a couple of Sundays ago, I mentioned this idea to our congregation and the plan took off among our church family with wild enthusiasm! People gave money, turkeys, time, salads; helping hands were so numerous we didn't know what to do with everyone. This idea had taken on a life of it's own and we were excited.
Yesterday, Thanksgiving Sunday, was a day I will not soon forget. We didn't take a head count but we figured that close to 100 people participated in our free thanksgiving feast. One woman's words summed up so well the success of the event. She said, " I really love this. I don't have to sit down to a meal all by myself. It is so nice to be able to eat and chat with someone. There is nothing like eating and talking at the same time." Apparently eating and talking around the table at the same time was a rare event in her life. She was so grateful along with many others who enjoyed eating and talking so much that they asked if we could do this again soon.
We came home last night, exhausted but feeling so great. What a tremendous experience and seeds were planted in our hearts that just maybe we will do this again. Why? Because there is nothing like eating and talking around the table.
In fact, eating around a table, filled with guests is one of life's richest moments. As I look back in Jesus' day, he was famous for "reclining at the table" with anyone from the worst reprobate to the most powerful religious leader. Jesus reclined, dined and had some deep and meaningful conversations around a table. In fact it became a picture of the kind of relationship that Jesus desires with all of us. A kind of "reclining at the table of our hearts" picture. He wants to "do life" with us so that we never have to "dine" alone. All we have to do is invite him in and he will come.
Yesterday, Thanksgiving Sunday, was a day I will not soon forget. We didn't take a head count but we figured that close to 100 people participated in our free thanksgiving feast. One woman's words summed up so well the success of the event. She said, " I really love this. I don't have to sit down to a meal all by myself. It is so nice to be able to eat and chat with someone. There is nothing like eating and talking at the same time." Apparently eating and talking around the table at the same time was a rare event in her life. She was so grateful along with many others who enjoyed eating and talking so much that they asked if we could do this again soon.
We came home last night, exhausted but feeling so great. What a tremendous experience and seeds were planted in our hearts that just maybe we will do this again. Why? Because there is nothing like eating and talking around the table.
In fact, eating around a table, filled with guests is one of life's richest moments. As I look back in Jesus' day, he was famous for "reclining at the table" with anyone from the worst reprobate to the most powerful religious leader. Jesus reclined, dined and had some deep and meaningful conversations around a table. In fact it became a picture of the kind of relationship that Jesus desires with all of us. A kind of "reclining at the table of our hearts" picture. He wants to "do life" with us so that we never have to "dine" alone. All we have to do is invite him in and he will come.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Hectic is a good word. It describes something that is almost out of control but still has elements of control in it. It describes my week to a tee. It seemed as though this week has been a ton of people time and not much study time. The times I usually set aside for study were consumed by others who I suppose I could have seen as interruptions but by the grace of God I didn't. Helping a homeless man with three kids what just the beginning. That took up most of my Tuesday. Most of Wednesday was spent with a group of caring folks who want to assist and enable our food bank here in peachland to broaden its mandate to include the transients and the families like the man with three kids in desperate need. Most of Thursday was spent with leadership people. I am so happy that one of our parishioners wants to use his teaching gifts more within our fellowship. I have been trying to entice him for years and finally this year he has decided to bless our church with his teaching skills. He also wants to do more counseling so I will be passing off some of what I do to him. That night I went to a rockets hockey game with danae and paige with tickets that were given too us. The rockets won 3-0 over the St. Albert Raiders. We had a great time. I was also approached by one of my fellow fire fighters to counsel him through the grief he is experiencing over the loss of his father in law. I love those times. Times I can minister to a person who is yet to experience the life of Christ. Five minutes before we were to meet he called and asked for a rain check. So I guess we will see if that opportunity comes round again. This morning was my regular men's life group. We have such a great time together. Praying for each other, encouraging one another, challenging one another, a real band of brothers. I always come away very full after our meetings. Needless to say that after all this stimulation I had a tough time settling down and getting into the books today and I haven't finished my sermon yet. Oh well, hectic basically describes it all.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
I've been wondering these past few weeks about how I (and people in general) struggle with just telling others what I think they need to hear rather than listening to them and asking some penetrating questions to help understand them. As it happens a few days ago I was walking along the road doing my morning routine exercise when I had a total God moment. I was reading in the book of Luke as I walked along at the story of Jesus when he was left behind in Jerusalem by his parents. They later came back and after searching high and low they finally found him in the temple “about his father business" is what he told them. But what really nailed me between the eyes was the next part of the story. It struck me deeply that this 12 year old boy had a better handle on how to engage people than this 43 year old pastor ever has. It says that they found him sitting among the teachers; 1) listening to them... how good of a listener am I? 2) asking them questions... rather than telling them what was right or wrong or good or bad he was asking them questions.– How many times do I tell people what to do rather than ask them deep and profound questions? 3) they were amazed at his understanding... most people around me are amazed at how I don’t get it, I don’t understand! I must admit understanding others is a slower and much more difficult way of engaging them. When what I would rather do is just throw a bible verse or two at them and tell them to obey it. And finally, 4) then and only then does it mention his answers. Before he ever got to the answers he worked at listening, he worked at asking profound and penetrating questions (at least for a 12 year old level), he worked at understanding those around him BEFORE he gave his answers. I wondered if this whole way of dealing with others is the thing that astonished the teachers around him. Just a kid yet such a handle on respecting them, by listening, asking good questions, understanding them, and answering their adult type questions! Then come the fascinating part... he grew in wisdom and stature in favor with God and men. He still had wisdom to grow into... WOW, he already was amazing but he still had some learnin to do! The boy Jesus has so much to teach all of us when it comes to engaging others in dialogue. We need to stop trying to fix others or force answers on them when we haven't first done the hard work of listening, asking and understanding. Make me like you Lord!
When I told my family this morning about all this Mackenzie my 13 year old piped up and said, "Don't worry about it dad, Jesus was God what did you expect!" We all had a good laugh.
When I told my family this morning about all this Mackenzie my 13 year old piped up and said, "Don't worry about it dad, Jesus was God what did you expect!" We all had a good laugh.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Personal retreats are a must in this line of work. I need to pull away for a few days, 2 or 3, just to let all of the pieces of ministry fall to the earth and settle a bit. It really is quite amazing what gets moved farther up the priority list and what gets left behind as just not that important right now. I took my retreat at Eagle Bay Camp about 45 minutes from Salmon Arm and about 2 and half hours north of Peachland. It was beautiful, it was quiet, it was restful, it was relaxing and I got quiet enough to listen to my heart, my mind slowed down and the Lord was graciously communicating with me.
On the way to the camp there is a little country church with a grave yard attached to it. So I decided that a part of my time there would include a trip to the grave yard to walk among the tombstones. To read the inscriptions and wonder about the stories of the lives of those who are now gone on. I think I was in the right frame of mind for this with news of Edna's passing and also the passing of a friend of ours here in Kelowna . There were some very old tombstones there, even a few from the mid to late 1800's. There were all ages represented but most of the ages were well into their 80's and 90's. There were two that caused me to stop and ponder. The first was a double grave site. With a young man in his late twenties buried beside a little boy that was 6 months old. The boys grave had a little truck and another little toy sitting at the head of the grave. I wondered how this happened. Perhaps a car accident or maybe a boating accident? I wondered about the young mother and wife who lost so much that day. This grave brought the value of my family and the importance of investing my very best into it into clear focus. Then I moved on to a site that seemed out of place. Up until this grave all the markers had the date of birth and the date of death on them. This was the only one that didn't. It was also a double grave, one side, the husband's side, had both the DOB and the DOD on it but the wife's side only had the date of birth and a dash followed by a blank space. Two things struck me. The importance of the dash. Life seems like a dash, a breath or as scripture says a vapor. It brought me to a fresh desire to make my dash count, to make it worthy of the gospel that has saved me. To make it count for my wife and kids, my brothers and sister(s) and their kids, my mom(s) and my dad(s). Then the blank spot signified that her story was still unfolding, that it had not yet finished, there were still chapters to be written. I spent the next hour just asking the Lord for fresh new life and vison for the future chapters of my own life that are yet to be written. I asked that they be filled with love and joy and full of adventure that comes from serving such a great and awesome God. The God of the living and the dead!
If you've never taken a stroll among some tombstones I would recommend it to you. Hanging out with dead people can really make you appreciate your life!
On the way to the camp there is a little country church with a grave yard attached to it. So I decided that a part of my time there would include a trip to the grave yard to walk among the tombstones. To read the inscriptions and wonder about the stories of the lives of those who are now gone on. I think I was in the right frame of mind for this with news of Edna's passing and also the passing of a friend of ours here in Kelowna . There were some very old tombstones there, even a few from the mid to late 1800's. There were all ages represented but most of the ages were well into their 80's and 90's. There were two that caused me to stop and ponder. The first was a double grave site. With a young man in his late twenties buried beside a little boy that was 6 months old. The boys grave had a little truck and another little toy sitting at the head of the grave. I wondered how this happened. Perhaps a car accident or maybe a boating accident? I wondered about the young mother and wife who lost so much that day. This grave brought the value of my family and the importance of investing my very best into it into clear focus. Then I moved on to a site that seemed out of place. Up until this grave all the markers had the date of birth and the date of death on them. This was the only one that didn't. It was also a double grave, one side, the husband's side, had both the DOB and the DOD on it but the wife's side only had the date of birth and a dash followed by a blank space. Two things struck me. The importance of the dash. Life seems like a dash, a breath or as scripture says a vapor. It brought me to a fresh desire to make my dash count, to make it worthy of the gospel that has saved me. To make it count for my wife and kids, my brothers and sister(s) and their kids, my mom(s) and my dad(s). Then the blank spot signified that her story was still unfolding, that it had not yet finished, there were still chapters to be written. I spent the next hour just asking the Lord for fresh new life and vison for the future chapters of my own life that are yet to be written. I asked that they be filled with love and joy and full of adventure that comes from serving such a great and awesome God. The God of the living and the dead!
If you've never taken a stroll among some tombstones I would recommend it to you. Hanging out with dead people can really make you appreciate your life!
Friday, September 23, 2005
I had an interesting 2 hour chat today with a couple people. Something happened that I have noticed before in many if not all the groups I have led or been a part of in my ministry. It happens pretty much daily in numerous ways in numerous conversations with numerous people. There is a tendency to minimize and divert attention from what is really at the heart of a matter. I know I do it all the time as well. Even though I know the intention of the group is to grow deeper together or even the intention of the conversation is healthy and caring, I still hide and detour my way around certain topics, especially if those conversations are getting close to the heart. This afternoon I asked one person how he was doing and he said "really good". That's pretty much the standard answer I have become accustomed to so I decided to not let him get away with such a trite answer. I asked what was going so good? He responded that not many things were going that well. As he continued to speak each sentence began to unravel a world of disappointment, confusion and boredom...especially boredom. Finally, he said, "So I guess I am not doing so great eh?"
The other person in the room piped up and spilled his similar battle with boredom. His was more of a roller coaster affair with an enemy that scared him. He knew his boredom was a precursor to all kinds of temptation. He was concerned that in a moment of weakness due to his overwhelming sense of boredom he would give in. The two of them got into a great dialogue over this serious issue that faces so many people in our world. Each of us is in our early 40's and we wondered a bit about mid life and whether or not that might have some influence. I confessed that so far I have been able to beat the boredom bug but felt trapped at times inside my calling to pastor here in this place. While it is not the same as boredom it can have similar effects on our overall sense of well-being.
I wondered if maybe King David was bored when he was out viewing the city of Jerusalem instead of out taking care of Kingly business? Then while viewing the city he caught an eye full of sensual beauty in the person of Bathsheba. One thing lead to another and .... you know the rest of the tragic story. Was it boredom that was at the heart of this sad story?
I once heard a saying that went like this, "most people in the world live lives of quiet desperation." Even christians can have these kinds of feelings. What do we do with them? Where do they come from and when do they leave? What does one say to someone who has a solid faith in Christ and yet struggles sometimes with an overwhelming feeling of boredom in life? We finished our chat without to many answers, none in fact, but the others expressed that they felt a bit better just having had the chance to share their struggle. Maybe that's the point. Nobody tried to fix anyone, there was just a great feeling of not being alone in our struggle. And, Christ is there in the midst and so are a couple of other brothers to support, pray and stand beside us.
The other person in the room piped up and spilled his similar battle with boredom. His was more of a roller coaster affair with an enemy that scared him. He knew his boredom was a precursor to all kinds of temptation. He was concerned that in a moment of weakness due to his overwhelming sense of boredom he would give in. The two of them got into a great dialogue over this serious issue that faces so many people in our world. Each of us is in our early 40's and we wondered a bit about mid life and whether or not that might have some influence. I confessed that so far I have been able to beat the boredom bug but felt trapped at times inside my calling to pastor here in this place. While it is not the same as boredom it can have similar effects on our overall sense of well-being.
I wondered if maybe King David was bored when he was out viewing the city of Jerusalem instead of out taking care of Kingly business? Then while viewing the city he caught an eye full of sensual beauty in the person of Bathsheba. One thing lead to another and .... you know the rest of the tragic story. Was it boredom that was at the heart of this sad story?
I once heard a saying that went like this, "most people in the world live lives of quiet desperation." Even christians can have these kinds of feelings. What do we do with them? Where do they come from and when do they leave? What does one say to someone who has a solid faith in Christ and yet struggles sometimes with an overwhelming feeling of boredom in life? We finished our chat without to many answers, none in fact, but the others expressed that they felt a bit better just having had the chance to share their struggle. Maybe that's the point. Nobody tried to fix anyone, there was just a great feeling of not being alone in our struggle. And, Christ is there in the midst and so are a couple of other brothers to support, pray and stand beside us.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Alpha program on steroids
This one is for Chris and his anti-programatic mindset these days. If you would like to check out a well made Alpha course TV add. I thought it was well made anyway.
Horse & Buggy Faith
We spent an unusual amount of time in Banff this summer. Cheryl loves going there because it is a throw back to her university days when she would take her friend there on weekends to get away. I quite like it too. There is definitely a different crowd there. There seem to be about 3 kinds of people. First there were the tourists. They were all over the place, crowding the streets, crammed into restaurants and shops, spending money like it was water. Then there are the local folks; the regular, everyday, "Jack and Jill's" that call Banff their home. Finally, there are the twenty something’s, partied out, exhausted looking, college students, trying to find themselves by working the manual labour jobs in the park and in the town. It truly makes for quite an interesting mix and a fun place to visit for sure. While we're there it seems like we usually make our way to the "Cow Store" and a few doors down the "Candy Shop". In between the two there is usually a Horse and Buggy parked, waiting for you to step a board and go for a quaint ride through town. While I wait outside for the girls to finish I get a chance to watch these horse and buggy rides. Lots of people stop and look, pet the horse, ask a few questions, find out how much it costs, quickly end the conversation and move on. Every once in a while someone will get in and the clip clop sound of the horse moves these folks on down the street with a big smile of enjoyment pasted across their faces for the next 10 min.
Recently, I took Paige and Danae and a couple of other youth who love techno stuff onto the streets of Peachland. The guys helped by being my camera crew while and the girls were just there to look good and hopefully attract a crowd. It worked because we barely got our camera out and we had three volunteers ready to go on camera to answer a couple of questions. The first question was what do you think of the church in general and the second one if they were from Peachland was have you heard of Peachland community church if so what have you heard? We will use these clips in our services during the next month as we talk about the vision and mission of our church. The answers were amazing and quite interesting.
I have been reading about the church a fair bit these days and I came across a quote that I think says it all so well. “I think where I come from there is also a strong sense of apathy. People don’t hate the church, as much as they just see it like a horse and buggy. Nice to take a ride in once in a while, but not something that makes sense to integrate into your everyday life.” If I were to sum up the answers I heard that day on the streets of Peachland that would definitely sum them up. The church seems to have lost its power, its wonder, and its sense of awe! Even among the "faithful" church is usually not considered something that should be integrated into everyday life. I wonder how badly God must want to change this scenario. Lord start with me.
Recently, I took Paige and Danae and a couple of other youth who love techno stuff onto the streets of Peachland. The guys helped by being my camera crew while and the girls were just there to look good and hopefully attract a crowd. It worked because we barely got our camera out and we had three volunteers ready to go on camera to answer a couple of questions. The first question was what do you think of the church in general and the second one if they were from Peachland was have you heard of Peachland community church if so what have you heard? We will use these clips in our services during the next month as we talk about the vision and mission of our church. The answers were amazing and quite interesting.
I have been reading about the church a fair bit these days and I came across a quote that I think says it all so well. “I think where I come from there is also a strong sense of apathy. People don’t hate the church, as much as they just see it like a horse and buggy. Nice to take a ride in once in a while, but not something that makes sense to integrate into your everyday life.” If I were to sum up the answers I heard that day on the streets of Peachland that would definitely sum them up. The church seems to have lost its power, its wonder, and its sense of awe! Even among the "faithful" church is usually not considered something that should be integrated into everyday life. I wonder how badly God must want to change this scenario. Lord start with me.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
When things get resolved
When you go through a series of tough choices that affect other people's lives it can take a lot of communication with many others involved and it can get rough and gruff at times. It often feels like things are out of sync and it can grind on our hearts and minds and emotions in waves. Sometimes I wake from my sleep trying to decide what to do next, what to try and what to avoid trying. I pray and pray for wisdom and a right spirit and it can seem like forever while I am in the midst of the constant relational turmoil around me. It can affect all the aspects of my life, my relationships with my wife, kids, co-workers, and the church and even my relationship with God in adverse ways. It goes through a series of ups and downs like a roller coaster and it affects your stomach as much as it affects your emotions.
A meeting is set. Things get said. Voices get loud and some cry. Silence sometimes accompanies. Deep breaths are taken. A prayer is shot heavenward.
And then something happens.
There is a breakthrough, an illumination, or a revelation and the lights go on. The hearts of those involved soften, the tension in the room drops and the sense of the "oil of the Holy Spirit" begins to smooth over all those involved. Apologies are made, hands are clasped, hugs are given and backs are slapped. A good sign that things are getting resolved is humor. Somebody smiles or laughs or says something that in any other situation would have no humor in it at all but in this place and at that time it brings nervous but heart-felt laughter. People begin to leave, they begin to chat about other things as they move towards the doors. There is a strong sense that the Master has been there, we're all exhausted but somehow it feels good. You walk outside and as a little blast of fall wind hits you you realize there was sweat on your brow and even your underarms feel the coolness. You get in the car and you my shed a tear or just sit in the silence or take the long way home and listen to the radio. I love it when things get resolved. There is no feeling on earth quite like it. You crash into bed and it's gone gone gone the burden is gone. Hallelujah!
A meeting is set. Things get said. Voices get loud and some cry. Silence sometimes accompanies. Deep breaths are taken. A prayer is shot heavenward.
And then something happens.
There is a breakthrough, an illumination, or a revelation and the lights go on. The hearts of those involved soften, the tension in the room drops and the sense of the "oil of the Holy Spirit" begins to smooth over all those involved. Apologies are made, hands are clasped, hugs are given and backs are slapped. A good sign that things are getting resolved is humor. Somebody smiles or laughs or says something that in any other situation would have no humor in it at all but in this place and at that time it brings nervous but heart-felt laughter. People begin to leave, they begin to chat about other things as they move towards the doors. There is a strong sense that the Master has been there, we're all exhausted but somehow it feels good. You walk outside and as a little blast of fall wind hits you you realize there was sweat on your brow and even your underarms feel the coolness. You get in the car and you my shed a tear or just sit in the silence or take the long way home and listen to the radio. I love it when things get resolved. There is no feeling on earth quite like it. You crash into bed and it's gone gone gone the burden is gone. Hallelujah!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Random Thoughts about Storms
I wonder if there were storms in the pre-Noah post-Adam and Eve days. I think I remember some Creation Research scratchy old film that our church in Beaverlodge showed when I was a kid. If I remember it right I was told that storms and rain were not a part of that cool pre-historic world. They somehow had proof that storms and rain were not necessary because the waters from the deep watered the earth. Men even lived longer lives because of this wonderfully protected environment that God had set up. No UV rays from the sun or any other junk like that to worry about getting skin cancer from. It sounded so serene!........... and just a bit boring! Imagining a world w/o storms is very hard to do. Storms like Hurricane Katrina are big, bad and scary. A storm like the one we had at Camp Nakaman many years ago that was the precursor to a tornado touching down in a trailer park in North West Edmonton. That always seems to happen to trailer parks! When I think of the different events in my life each one has a significant storm attached to it. When I lived in the Philippines I remember the huge monsoon rains that flooded the city. Wading neck deep in sewer filled water and praying for the protection of God from catching some weird disease. Or the storm when I was in Hungary one night. The thunder was so loud it literally shook us inside our tent and it even moved our tent. It scared the girls so bad they came and joined us in our tent. It was a bit squishy but we all stuck our heads out of the tent door and watched the show that God was providing. As I think of it I am pretty sure that a major storm has graced most if not all of the memorable events of my life. Storms were a big part of Jesus ministry as well. Some of his most famous miracles happened during storms including the walking on water miracle.
Storms make us wonder. They make us pause, praise or pray. They bring the best out in people when they are moved to merciful marvelous acts towards the victims of really big and really bad storms. How about you, any storms attached to your memories?
Storms make us wonder. They make us pause, praise or pray. They bring the best out in people when they are moved to merciful marvelous acts towards the victims of really big and really bad storms. How about you, any storms attached to your memories?
Monday, September 12, 2005
oh no...

The service today was ICE COLD! The coldest I can remember for several years. We had about 40+ show up, there was a huge family that came for a baby dedication and the other 20 + were regulars. We still had a fantastic time. Truth be known I actually enjoy these types of services. Those who attend are really passionate about being there in the cold. It adds a little something to the service and makes us all more desirous of God doing something spectacular. It was a great time. I sensed the Lord working in the lives of the non-believers in the family and one young man who had left our church bitter about 6 years ago began to face his past and desire to bring some form of reconciliation with others in the fellowship.
On a different note Paige and Danae wanted a firetruck ride as a part of their birthday celebration. I just got back and their friends were ecstatic, they all had a good time. Oh, Cheryl just called we are going to sit down to a lagsunia feast. Later.
Friday, September 09, 2005
An encouragment card from God
It had been a quiet morning and an even quieter afternoon in our office today. The phone rang only once and it was around 2:00. A voice I did not recognize asked me if I was Kevin Nichol. I assured him that I was every day. He started out a bit awkward trying to explain why he was calling me. As the story unfolded I discovered he is from Grande Prairie and somehow he had gotten his hands on a video tape that was made of a service I had preached in the Kamloops Alliance Church in March of 1997. It took me a while but I slowly began to remember the occasion as he unpackaged the sermon I had preached that weekend during a special outreach focus of the church. Anyway, I finally remembered most of that event and then I asked him why he had called. As it turns out he had been so blessed by the message I had preached he felt deep in his spirit that he was supposed to track me down, give me a call, and ask if I had any prayer requests he could get busy and begin praying for. I almost dropped the phone. It has been such a long time since anyone had come to me and asked me that question. I was a bit slow to answer even lost for words. Angels, maybe not literal ones (or maybe it was who is to say) out of the blue, calling me up to remind me that the Spirit of God had moved on their hearts and prompted them to announce the commencement of specific prayer. Now that is what I call cool! Thanks Lord for that unique moment of encouragement just for me!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Stare at the stars
Our neighbors have a cute little fellow who is 3 years old. We have a little ritual that we go through each day if he is outside playing when I arrive home from work. I am pretty much guaranteed that he will hauler across the two yards, "Hello Kevin". To which I respond "Hello Michael" with my best french accent. (His dad Guy us from Quebec). It happens day after day after day and now we have progressed to finding out what he is doing and he is very quick to fill me in on all the un-intelligible details of whatever it is he has been up to there in his yard. I like it. Most of these conversations take place around 4:30 in the afternoon. However, tonight I had some after supper counseling and got home after dark. When I arrived home there was no outside lights on and it was pitch black out when I heard that familiar voice from across the yard "Hello Kevin!" At first I thought I was hearing things but I responded back, "hello Michael where are you?" He said, "I am here!" I responded, "where are you right now?" To which he said, "I'm right over here." I couldn't see him anywhere in the darkness. I was starting to wonder if he was sleep walking and had wondered outside without his parents knowledge. I was just about to head over there when I heard another sound, this time it was his father giggling (with a french accent)! As it turned out they were outside on their balcony, laying on their backs, staring at the stars. It was a cute moment and we all had a good laugh. I asked Michael if he had counted the stars yet and he promptly told me there were just too many to count. What a neat moment with some pretty awesome neighbors. I think it was about a week or so ago that I last wondered out and stared at the stars myself. I like to make it a habit as much as possible to sit out on our front deck and stare at the skies and just think about the majesty of God. The one who put those stars in place, the one who calls each one by name, the one who knows me and cares about my every move, my every emotion, my every thought and my every inclination towards him. It makes me feel secure and as though I am in my place in this world. It somehow has a deep down calming affect on me. The heavens declare the glory of God and all I have to do is lay down on my back and be completely overwhelmed with his amazing glory. Thanks for the stars God, they are such a wonder and such a warm blanket of security for me just the knowledge that you are there and you care about me.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Falls upon us

Yard looks great. Grass cut, trees trimmed, weeds waked, and even got the windows washed. I think we are ready for fall. Probably have to mow the lawn one more time before it stops growing all together. I think I may have got a sun burn today it was so hot around 1ish this afternoon. We did go pick up a friend of the girls and head down to the beach for some sunshine and some reading by the lake. We sure are spoiled by the beauty of the place we live. Tonight should be just sitting back relaxing and having a good time with the fam. As I look forward into the week ahead, I have some finishing up of family counseling for about 3 couples and then starting two more either this week or next. This Sunday will be out in the park again as is our custom because the community center is used for the fall fair. We always look forward to this last outdoor Sunday service. We will have a child dedication and hopefully a few baptisms. AND of course we have three lovely young ladies turning 15 and 13 this weekend. I am also looking forward to meeting some of their camp friends for a concert on Tuesday night in Kelowna as well. It is at Trinity Baptist and is a back to school kick off evening. Should be fun. So everyone have a great week.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Stupid gas prices
Well, we have had to tighten up the belt considerably this week. Funny how when it comes to making belt tightening decisions their is that initial sense of loss, a bit of grief and pinch of remorse before the decision is made. However, after it is made we wonder how come it was so painful because we feel "free-er" for having unloaded some costs and some stuff that apparently we really could go without- quite nicely thank you very much. However, one more decision must be made. My nice little GMC Sonoma 4X4! I love my truck. Dad gave it to me a couple years back and I love my truck. It has been a good truck as well, reliable, handy and of course a little bit of fun when 4X4ing is happening. But it only gets about 25 mpg at best and that means that with amount of driving I do with it and the amount of driving we do as a family with the van our weekly fuel costs average around $150.00! Throw into the mix that I have not had a raise in about 8 years and it looks like a smaller, cheaper vehicle is in the near future. I asked a friend of mine who is a partner in a dealership to see if he could find me a 4 cylinder car that could seat 5 and get good fuel economy. He called me back so fast that I was caught off guard. A Dodge Stratus had come onto their lot, 1997, 150,000 klms, loaded, 4 cyl. five pass. and front wheel drive. He would trade me straight across + 500 and taxes. And we can pay off the 500+taxes over a few months if we need to (which we would need to do). We are taking the weekend to think about it and pray about it but it may have to happen as I hear prices are going to up again! Stupid gas prices!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Godly incompetence
Wow this week has slipped by and I have neglected my time of reflection around my blog site. I have had a very interesting week, mostly full of messy relationships, messy lives and messy unclear circumstances where I am not always confident that I say or do the right thing. In fact I had to resign myself several times this week to the fact that God will be my judge some day on the "wisdom" I offered on the disputable matters I have given council on to people this week. There is a part of me that would love for things to work out neat and tidy all the time but then there is a part of me that seems to believe, and even quite strongly, that messy is were the action really is. I read a quote this week that has been rumbling around in my mind and I am beginning to see what the author Mike Yaconelli was writing about. "No one does holy living very well, we all suffer from godly incompetence. However, the church has communicated that competence is one of the fruits of the Spirit. There are so many afraid of entering into the joy of their salvation because they fear the possibility of doing or saying the incompetent thing." As I looked around and as I looked inside, I saw the truth of these words. Spiritual incompetence is like the 8th deadly sin. Mistakes are taken way to seriously and there are those inside the church who believe that their competence is a badge of their maturity. When I would say that the desire to love God and the desire to love others is really the essence of truly living a godly incompetence. I think we get it right far less often than we think we do and we get it wrong far more often that we admit we do. Yet, God is so gracious and merciful, and slow to anger, and forgiving, accepting, loving and kind. Tonight as Cheryl and I sat sipping our coffees after a good hard walk, a man who is well known in the community for his wicked life, came up to us and declared he was three days old in his new found faith. And with that the harshness of the week evaporated and the joy of serving Christ was invigorated. He asked if I would do his fifth step for AA and he wanted to know what to do next. It was like a warm bath of joy flooded my soul to see his new joy in the Lord. And somehow all was made right once again.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Why I believe in the local church
This is my Sunday Sermon.
The Communion of Saints #1 August 28, 2005
The Apostles Creed
The Vision and Mission of our church
Eph 5:25-28 And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God's word. 27 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.
Do you believe in the same vision (THE DIVINE DREAM) of the church as Jesus?
I have believed in the local church all my life. At times I have hated her but most of the time I love her, I have been cursed by her and I have been blessed by her, I have been hurt by her and I have found healing through her, I have been disciplined by her and I have been loved by her. I have been called by God to be a leader in her, I have been gifted as and evangelist, pastor, preacher and man of faith for her. I believe this local church is glorious in the sight of God the Father and of Christ the Son, I believe the Holy Spirit is in this church, I believe many have been blessed by and through this church and that many more will have the same experience. I have been captivated with its deep and mostly untapped potential. And finally, I believe in her so strongly that I would die in service of her. (WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?)
This is why I believe what I believe about the local church…
a) I believe it is a house of prayer for all nations. It is a haven, a sanctuary, a holy place where we gather together to pray, worship, and adore the Creator of heaven and earth. It is where we confess our totally unworthiness and together announce our total dependence upon God as we look to him to lead and guide us.
b) I believe that Jesus Christ the author and perfecter of our faith has said that he would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. I believe we are a part of that great expansion that Jesus is building. A grand a glorious church both here in peachland and around the globe.
c) I believe that the church is meant to bare much fruit not just some or a little or a bit but MUCH! John 15:8 my true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great glory to my Father. The glory of God is the church full of changed lives, transformed by his power and lived out to his glory for all eternity.
d) I believe we are to finish the unfinished mission of Jesus Christ and this is to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:5 the church is Zacchaeus) IT is the only force upon the earth that has the power to transform lives with faith, hope and love.
e) I believe it will be messy! That it will be full of unpleasantness and that we will never quite get it right but by the grace of God we are here for those who need help, admit weakness, share common faults and chase after the divine dream in the common mess. As Jesus said, it is not the well but the sick that need a doctor Matt 9:10-13 that night Matthew invited Jesus and his disciples to be his dinner guests, along with his fellow tax collectors and many other notorious sinners. 11 The Pharisees were indignant. "Why does your teacher eat with such scum?" they asked his disciples. When he heard this, Jesus replied, "Healthy people don't need a doctor — sick people do." 13 Then he added, "Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to be merciful; I don't want your sacrifices.' For I have come to call sinners, not those who think they are already good enough."
f) I believe we are Commissioned and equipped by the Father and by the Son for the task at hand. John 20:21-23 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. AND Matt 28:17-20 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
This is what makes me tick. If you cut me this is what I bleed. I am hopelessly in love with my savior Jesus Christ and I am a hopeless romantic about his body, the local church.
I believe in the holy Christian church, the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. I BELIEVE!
The Communion of Saints #1 August 28, 2005
The Apostles Creed
The Vision and Mission of our church
Eph 5:25-28 And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God's word. 27 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.
Do you believe in the same vision (THE DIVINE DREAM) of the church as Jesus?
I have believed in the local church all my life. At times I have hated her but most of the time I love her, I have been cursed by her and I have been blessed by her, I have been hurt by her and I have found healing through her, I have been disciplined by her and I have been loved by her. I have been called by God to be a leader in her, I have been gifted as and evangelist, pastor, preacher and man of faith for her. I believe this local church is glorious in the sight of God the Father and of Christ the Son, I believe the Holy Spirit is in this church, I believe many have been blessed by and through this church and that many more will have the same experience. I have been captivated with its deep and mostly untapped potential. And finally, I believe in her so strongly that I would die in service of her. (WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?)
This is why I believe what I believe about the local church…
a) I believe it is a house of prayer for all nations. It is a haven, a sanctuary, a holy place where we gather together to pray, worship, and adore the Creator of heaven and earth. It is where we confess our totally unworthiness and together announce our total dependence upon God as we look to him to lead and guide us.
b) I believe that Jesus Christ the author and perfecter of our faith has said that he would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. I believe we are a part of that great expansion that Jesus is building. A grand a glorious church both here in peachland and around the globe.
c) I believe that the church is meant to bare much fruit not just some or a little or a bit but MUCH! John 15:8 my true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great glory to my Father. The glory of God is the church full of changed lives, transformed by his power and lived out to his glory for all eternity.
d) I believe we are to finish the unfinished mission of Jesus Christ and this is to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:5 the church is Zacchaeus) IT is the only force upon the earth that has the power to transform lives with faith, hope and love.
e) I believe it will be messy! That it will be full of unpleasantness and that we will never quite get it right but by the grace of God we are here for those who need help, admit weakness, share common faults and chase after the divine dream in the common mess. As Jesus said, it is not the well but the sick that need a doctor Matt 9:10-13 that night Matthew invited Jesus and his disciples to be his dinner guests, along with his fellow tax collectors and many other notorious sinners. 11 The Pharisees were indignant. "Why does your teacher eat with such scum?" they asked his disciples. When he heard this, Jesus replied, "Healthy people don't need a doctor — sick people do." 13 Then he added, "Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to be merciful; I don't want your sacrifices.' For I have come to call sinners, not those who think they are already good enough."
f) I believe we are Commissioned and equipped by the Father and by the Son for the task at hand. John 20:21-23 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. AND Matt 28:17-20 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
This is what makes me tick. If you cut me this is what I bleed. I am hopelessly in love with my savior Jesus Christ and I am a hopeless romantic about his body, the local church.
I believe in the holy Christian church, the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. I BELIEVE!
Close call

Pictures from yesterdays close call fire! The night pictures are from Saturday night/Sunday morning and the aerial picture is from yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday was a packed day. 6 of our Fire and Rescue crew were called out to help with a potentially huge forest fire that was threatening the Westside are of Kelowna. Fortunately the wind pushed the fire away from the residential areas and prevented a very scary close call. Everyone was thinking of the fire in kelonwa a couple of years ago so forestry took no chances. They blasted away for hours with four helicopters and dumping tons and tons of retardant on the fire. As it stands mop up is happening today and the fire is under control. If you want to see some of the pictures check out there should be pictures there. Church was fun, I was able give a passionate plea for why I believe in the local church. We are studying our way through the Apostles Creed for next 5 months and this was the first sermon. Lots of comments and prayers for people following communion.
Then we had two fire calls of our own in Peachland. The first was a downed power line that was so hot it turned the rocks it hit into chunk's of glass. There was a couple of scary moments when the wind picked up but for the most part we had it under control within a couple of hours. The farmer whose field we used gave us a bucket of tree ripened peaches - oh so good! As as result of the downed power line our power was out for about 5 hours or so. Later a dry lightening strike brought us back out this time up the Cocahuala Connector about 4 klms up. This turned out to be a false alarm but on our way back into town the lights came back on. What a day. I am looking forward to a day off and woke up to the sound of rain falling so everything got a pretty good drink last night. Hope you all have a good day too.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
My new helper

Today I got a kiss and a hug from my secretary! Actually a few kisses and a few hugs! Mackenzie came in and helped out in our church office this morning. She was so good and very professional with the "hello this is peachland community church my name is Mackenzie how can I help you" sounding so grown up and all. When I asked her to come in yesterday she spent and enormous amount of time practicing to get that little speech just right. The past few days she has had no spark, no sisters to even fight with, and way to much time by herself in front of the TV. Just the knowledge of being useful filled her with such joy and anticipation. I often think that there are so many people out there without any spark. They have nothing worthwhile to fight for and they spend way to much time in front of a TV just by themselves. They may be a church attender but not a church contributor, they may be alive and breathing but for the most part they are dead and gone! Such an awful waste of a life. It has been very refreshing to me to see Mackenzie just come back to life over such a simple thing like feeling needed and useful. John Maxwell talked about this in an interview I heard him give a couple of weeks ago. He said that he makes it his goal to add value to every single human being he encounters. Often this means just a simple word of encouragement or a pat on the back or an appreciation for some little thing that they had said or done. It is amazing how this can put a spark into the eye of someone who may be feeling like their candle is flickering and about to go out. Thanks kenz and good job today cant wait to see you at it tomorrow.
Love Dad
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Good news is no news but bad news is good news
Today I responded to a two vehicle MVA (motor vehicle accident). When we arrived on scene we saw a white Chevy firefly completely demolished and a green Infinity SUV that had sustained a pretty nasty crunch to the drivers side. There was a women lying on her back beside the white car and a man and a dog inside the same vehicle and 5 grandma looking types, dressed up to go out for lunch in the SUV. As it turned out the driver of the SUV pulled out onto the Hwy in front of the little firefly and CRUNCH! I had to attend to the man in the car. He was from Germany and spoke very little english but he was able to indicate that he was very sore in his chest area from the seat belt. We took care of everyone, carted the two german patients off in the ambulances, took their dog to the SPCA in Summerland and called a Taxi for the 5 senor ladies to catch a ride home. All in all, not to serious for how it looked on the outside. Eventually the local TV news station reporter showed up cameraman and all. We all headed for something to do to stay away from the reporter that was looking for someone to give him the goods on this nasty looking crash. I headed for the fire truck and took my place behind the steering wheel. The reporter noticed the RCMP officer outside my door window and asked him to describe what had happened. After telling him what I just told you the reporter shouted, "What that's it, that's the whole story, that will never do! He shouted to his camera man to at least take a picture of the huge traffic jam that the accident had caused as said that would have to do!
So let me get this straight. Because no one was to seriously injured, no blood all over the place, no deaths to report it was a lousy story! I don't know what it is about us humans but tragedies seem to make the best stories. Good news is no news and bad news is good news! That's just a bit twisted! The reporters story is carried out in so many ways in so many lives. You could receive a pat on the back 10 times but if you get one negative comment that's the one you remember! In the real world one bad report, one negative word or criticism can send us reeling! There is something so frail about us, we really are weaker than we think. We gravitate to the negative because happy endings are just for fairy tales. I think that is one of the main reasons why we need to know the rich and abiding love of God. We are weak but he is strong. He will help us with our weaknesses. He will overshadow us with his love. He will speak truth to us in love. He will love and accept us no matter how awful we have been or how big a mess we have made of our lives. We need him and his love so desperately. He even provided a tragic story, the story of his Son Jesus and his terrible death, to attract our attention. Has he gotten your attention yet?
So let me get this straight. Because no one was to seriously injured, no blood all over the place, no deaths to report it was a lousy story! I don't know what it is about us humans but tragedies seem to make the best stories. Good news is no news and bad news is good news! That's just a bit twisted! The reporters story is carried out in so many ways in so many lives. You could receive a pat on the back 10 times but if you get one negative comment that's the one you remember! In the real world one bad report, one negative word or criticism can send us reeling! There is something so frail about us, we really are weaker than we think. We gravitate to the negative because happy endings are just for fairy tales. I think that is one of the main reasons why we need to know the rich and abiding love of God. We are weak but he is strong. He will help us with our weaknesses. He will overshadow us with his love. He will speak truth to us in love. He will love and accept us no matter how awful we have been or how big a mess we have made of our lives. We need him and his love so desperately. He even provided a tragic story, the story of his Son Jesus and his terrible death, to attract our attention. Has he gotten your attention yet?
Monday, August 22, 2005
The past few days have flown by fast and furious. There was a wedding I did for my neighbor, a serious elders meeting that was so heated that one elder told another elder to leave his house immediately, a serious and painful church discipline episode that was handled this morning after the morning service, and all this was followed by a couple in our church that informed me that their guest that they have been bringing out to church with them has been totally ignored the 3 Sundays she came! They later told me that she had called them up in tears claiming no one accepted her and that she would not be back to our fellowship! Needless to say it has certainly taken its toll on me and I am tired and ready for a good Sabbath rest tomorrow (or should I say today by the time I get this to my blog site). What has the Spirit been teaching me these past few days? Well, probably the most significant thing is the messiness of the christian life. Eugene Peterson once wrote that when we sin it makes our lives messy... and that would seem to me to be the sum of it. Messy. I'm certainly not a clean freak but I know a mess when I see one whether it is in my life or the life of another. There is so much pretending that goes on in our lives. We fake our way through so much I am not even sure we know what is really real at times. We put on the "I've got my life together" act whenever we are in church or when we are around others who we think will not accept us if they really knew how messy our lives were. It's not acceptable behavior to be messy by most standards and that really is a tragedy. I think Jesus was drawn to those who were messy and they had enough sense not to pretend otherwise. Folks who dug holes in other peoples roofs to lower down a friend in front of Jesus for healing or those who barge into dinner parties uninvited and begin weeping and wiping Jesus feet with their tear soaked hair. Messy, very messy indeed. The blind were messy and the sanitized religious leaders tried to keep them and their mess away from the "clean" Jesus. He hung around with cluttered tax collectors and messy prostitutes and messy men who he would later dub as his apostles. To often we sanitize our faith and it sends us into dark lonely cellars of sin. We hid there as often as we can rather than just being honest and plain and that usually means messed up! I guess the most important thing is to just admit the mess and keep on pursuing Jesus with a bit of desperation and lot of determination. Now that's messed up!
Friday, August 19, 2005
40 Million Dollar Babies
I am just guessing but I think I am pretty close in my estimation. Today I saw about 200 million dollars. That's $200,000,000.00! While I must admit I was taken in like all the others who saw it, I did have some questions about it afterwards. I mean lets face it, it certainly isn't every day that one gets a glimpse of that much money in one place at one time. There was not to much security either so this cash could get up and walk away if it wanted too! That much money could do a lot of good in our world. It could feed a small nation for quite a while, it could go along way towards helping AIDS victims, orphans, homeless folks could be housed, starving folks could be feed, uneducated folks could be educated, those who need simple life saving medicines could be supplied with those medicines and on and on the list could go. However, this money was more than likely not going to be used for these noble and humanitarian purposes. NO this money was strictly for entertainment purposes. Ya, that's right, 40 guys desperately in need of a rest being watched by thousands of people desperately needing exercise! Anyway, enough with the preachy stuff, on with the story. Mackenzie and I went into Kelowna today to watch the Canadian National Hockey Team practice. Yes we saw Gretzky and whole bunch of others like, Bertuzzi, Morrison, St. Louis, Gagna, Peca, Bourdour, Yzerman, and a whole lot more. While I was in my glory Mackenzie patiently waited and took a few pictures of the event for mementos. I enjoyed myself until it dawned on me just how much money was skating around the arena. I had just watched about forty, 20 to 40 year old men, chase a black piece of rubber around on some ice. Forty million dollar babies entertained me today... GO CANADA GO!
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