Today I got a kiss and a hug from my secretary! Actually a few kisses and a few hugs! Mackenzie came in and helped out in our church office this morning. She was so good and very professional with the "hello this is peachland community church my name is Mackenzie how can I help you" sounding so grown up and all. When I asked her to come in yesterday she spent and enormous amount of time practicing to get that little speech just right. The past few days she has had no spark, no sisters to even fight with, and way to much time by herself in front of the TV. Just the knowledge of being useful filled her with such joy and anticipation. I often think that there are so many people out there without any spark. They have nothing worthwhile to fight for and they spend way to much time in front of a TV just by themselves. They may be a church attender but not a church contributor, they may be alive and breathing but for the most part they are dead and gone! Such an awful waste of a life. It has been very refreshing to me to see Mackenzie just come back to life over such a simple thing like feeling needed and useful. John Maxwell talked about this in an interview I heard him give a couple of weeks ago. He said that he makes it his goal to add value to every single human being he encounters. Often this means just a simple word of encouragement or a pat on the back or an appreciation for some little thing that they had said or done. It is amazing how this can put a spark into the eye of someone who may be feeling like their candle is flickering and about to go out. Thanks kenz and good job today cant wait to see you at it tomorrow.
Love Dad
Great Job Kenz, and Great Call Kevin.
Kevin, you are amazing at bringing joy and encouragement to just about every single person you talk to in a day. It is so fun to be around and learn from!
And..way to go MacKenzie. I enjoyed calling the church office just so I could hear your cheerful voice!
ooooohhhhh that was close Shuana! 6 seconds apart!
oops I mean 16 seconds apart :-)
maybe grandpa or grandma can call her tomorrow afternoon that is when she will be in the office again.
Very good advice from JM. I will make an effort to call Kenz today. What a great idea to find her a litle bit of a job to do.
isn't that photo just the cutest of the cutest kid you ever did see in a firetruck?!?!?!
isn't that photo just the cutest of the cutest kid you ever did see in a firetruck?!?!?!
Yes she is the cutest thing in a firetruck ever! Welcome back Chris!
my 5 cents....I am waiting to see some pictures of Nyah as flower girl. Get blogging!
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