Last Wednesday evening while I was teaching a class on Elisha I received a call on my cell phone. I thought it might be the kids so I picked it up but saw it was my friend and kept teaching. Later I called him and found out that he was trying to get a hold of me to tell me that my cousin Scott Nichol had been seriously injured in a Hockey game. He had been watching TSN and saw that Scott had been hit, lost his balance and plunged head first into the boards. He was knocked unconscious and after laying on the ice surface for 10 minutes they got him on a stretcher and took him off to the nearest hospital. He missed most of the season up until Christmas and now this injury. They hope he will be back in the line up by the end of next week. Hope the rest of the season goes much better for him! Here are some pics that I found about the incident.
Great Scot! That's gotta hurt! (Get the pub?)
I mean PUN!
Very scary stuff.
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