Except - someone took the picture. Someone is there, right behind me all the way. He has my back. Encouraging me to keep putting one dusty foot in front of the other. Keep pressing on. Keep the way straight.
Marks are left in the sand. A Footprint is not a monument. A monument shouts, "At least I got this far". But a footprint, a footprint says, "This is where I was before I moved again." Not stagnant but moving, not stationary but progressive, not aimless but purposeful.
Finally, I looked up at the horizon. What adventure is just beyond that hill top? The next thing, the next event, the next whatever! I suppose it could just be more sand, but maybe, just maybe there is an oasis or a city or even just a camel. Nobody but God can see over that horizon and he has my future in the palm of his hand.
I can hear him whisper, “I delight in you, and you are spectacular!"
That's all the encouragement I need.
I will get there with the Lord's help one sandy foot in front of the other.
Where are your footprints taking you?
Just one step at a time bro...
Sometimes it really is just one foot in front of the other, That's the only real way to get to see what's over the horizon. If you quit stepping and sit down, you just go no where. Yep, sometimes each step is a pain, a labour, a drudgery...specially walking in that soft stuff, the journey is hard. The awesome thing is that just up ahead, just over that horizon, just around that corner is easier walking, a refreshing pool of sweet pure water, a beautiful vision. That's a truth that I learned while walking with a 50 pound pack on my back and nothing but soft sand ahead.
Love ya, bro
It is so tough walking in soft sand but the resistance makes you stronger in the long run.
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