The theme of the story is clear; it is not good to want something you shouldn’t have but could take. And, if you end up taking what is not right for you to take you certainly will not enjoy it for long. And when you take something that does not belong to you then the chances of even your once best friend deciding to take it from you are very real. Basically, Macbeth is a masterpiece of the consequences of deciding to ignore the very basic moral codes of life given by God in the 10 commandments - not to covet - not to kill - not steal - and not to lie. It also includes a healthy dose of "bad company corrupts good morals" and be careful who you marry! Even though the kids raced through the key moments of the Shakespearean play the message was clear as if a preacher had stood up and preached a sermon. I loved it. Tonight I will post the pictures.

God Is Good All the Time! (PS Mackenzie wants you to check out her blog as well...kenz911.blogspot.com)
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