This week has been such a great blessing to me. I am like a dry sponge soaking up everything moist around it. I am so into this class that I start at 9:00 and end at 12:30 and it goes by so fast it seems like a blink. Dr. Mark Strom is our instructor and his easy going approach and story/narrative way of handling the material along with all the insights that are coming from the students makes for such a sweet time. I am sad when it is time to go home and face the awful Auckland traffic. Our topic is timely for me. The class is called Leadership: Ancient and Modern, and the essence of the class is to move today's leadership back to a basic understanding of Paul's view of leadership. That being to move leadership away from the ancient philosopher’s Plato and Aristotle's approach of rank and status. Rank means to understand your place and status means the prestige of the Rank that you held. He believes that the current church "system" is based on this rank and status approach and is nothing like what Paul had in mind for leadership in his writings. In other words it is a very "top-down" driven system. Leadership is based and rank and status, the top down approach that is created to keep things under control at all times. The basic instrument of change for all of this is something he terms "Naming" and also "conversation." Giving people and or things new names or new language in order to have new conversations that are meaningful and lead to new ideas etc.
Anyway, before I bore you with to many more details I just wanted to blog out the fun that I am having at school. I am grateful to the Lord for his provision that allows me get some more education.
God is Good all The Time
Learning new stuff is always so interesting and stimulating. Although, hopefully you aren't too stimulated when you are taking that drive home!!
Sounds very solid for a very stolid church of today. It's all about politics of course.
I like the desktop background on your computer screen in this picture! proud daddy!
"Going back to school" after spending some time in the "real world" makes it all seem so much more real, applicable, and practical. Don't stress over the papers. Just express your eloquent self and it'll be fine. (Bet your marks are better than HS & BC)
Your fellow student bro-in-law.
Use those long drives to settle those thoughts.
hey bructer, thanks for the encouragment but Im still at a loss on HS and BC? I suppose over time I will figure out the code and break the secret message! thankfully the long drives are over for now. So its all about finishing off my next two papers! Lookin forward to seeing you in august!
I know! High School and Bible College! right?
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