I'm asking the Lord for rain for our neighbours across the ditch (Tasman Sea) who are continuing to battle not just the fires but the aftermath and destruction that follows those blazing hillsides. Whole town’s swallowed up as folks scramble to get out while they can... some overtaken by flames while fleeing in their cars! As the death toll climbs our hearts continue to go out to the families of those who are suffering the loss of family and friends. Not to mention the total sense of despair of those who have lost it all on top of the loss of human life. No words can say enough to bring any sort of relief. I suppose it does bring some measure of comfort just knowing that much of the rest of humanity is standing behind them to do what they can to help.
They say that South-eastern Australia becomes like a tinder box every 10-20 years as a cycle of weather patterns brings about the extremely dry conditions that make such an inferno possible. Now we are learning that this particular fire appears to have been the work of people, whether intended or not, and not a natural cause such as lightening. So now a massive hunt is on to bring some sense of justice if indeed it was set by someone. We need to hold somebody responsible for this mess either God or some person.
It seems human beings need to be able to sooth themselves through finding someone or something to blame. Don’t get me wrong; if there has been foul play then justice must be meted out. But I am speaking in simple generalities. Finding someone to blame for problems, pain, suffering, tragedy or just the trouble we find ourselves in is like a finely tuned craft that each of us is exceptionally gifted at. NOT taking responsibility for something we’ve done is as common as Marmite on toast!
Why are we like this? Why is my first reaction to flee the scene of a minor fender bender in a car park if no one is watching! Why not just take the blame, accept responsibility and the consequences for my actions?
The bible says that this type of attitude is the direct result of sin. A kind of proof if you like that each of us can act out like this even on our best days! It is proof as well that we need outside help with this problem as no amount of positive thinking or therapy can get us to abandon this stubborn streak within.
There is so much more that could be said but why not check it out for yourself by picking up a bible and giving it a read. If understanding it is what you’re looking for then perhaps connect with a church near you for some assistance. I wouldn’t blame you!
They say that South-eastern Australia becomes like a tinder box every 10-20 years as a cycle of weather patterns brings about the extremely dry conditions that make such an inferno possible. Now we are learning that this particular fire appears to have been the work of people, whether intended or not, and not a natural cause such as lightening. So now a massive hunt is on to bring some sense of justice if indeed it was set by someone. We need to hold somebody responsible for this mess either God or some person.
It seems human beings need to be able to sooth themselves through finding someone or something to blame. Don’t get me wrong; if there has been foul play then justice must be meted out. But I am speaking in simple generalities. Finding someone to blame for problems, pain, suffering, tragedy or just the trouble we find ourselves in is like a finely tuned craft that each of us is exceptionally gifted at. NOT taking responsibility for something we’ve done is as common as Marmite on toast!
Why are we like this? Why is my first reaction to flee the scene of a minor fender bender in a car park if no one is watching! Why not just take the blame, accept responsibility and the consequences for my actions?
The bible says that this type of attitude is the direct result of sin. A kind of proof if you like that each of us can act out like this even on our best days! It is proof as well that we need outside help with this problem as no amount of positive thinking or therapy can get us to abandon this stubborn streak within.
There is so much more that could be said but why not check it out for yourself by picking up a bible and giving it a read. If understanding it is what you’re looking for then perhaps connect with a church near you for some assistance. I wouldn’t blame you!
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