The icy blast of winter descended upon us this week with snow falling in places that hadn't seen snow in some 40 plus years. There were even reports of snow in Auckland which had never seen snow at all. The white stuff falling from the sky caused a wide range of responses from people. Some went out and played in it while others admired it from the warmth of a cozy room. Some bravely tried to travel in it, while others just decided not to and stayed home waiting for it to be safe to travel. It created havoc for our emergency services who had trouble getting enough staff to come in and then had trouble getting to people who were in need of their assistance. The news of snow in uncommon places and cities made its way around the world as news agencies, looking to get a scoop, deemed this unusual event newsworthy and spread the word. At the very least the snow and cold weather that we experienced can simply be added to a steady stream of many unusual events in New Zealand’s recent past. Altogether these events have served to keep reminding us all that we live in uncertain times. Uncertain weather patterns, uncertain earthquakes, uncertain tornadoes, uncertain economic times, uncertain job futures, uncertain family situations, uncertain health issues, uncertain churches, and uncertain personal times. What do we do when we face uncertain times, when our lives are full of uncertainties? Yes, we fret, we worry, and our stress levels go through the roof. Some crumble under this heavy load of uncertainty and seek a way of escape, and others stand tall in the face of it by putting a positive spin on the events hoping to make it through, while others just try to ignore it hoping it will simply go away. Thinking back to the tragic days of the Christchurch earthquakes and its many aftershocks one person stood out as a calming, inspiring individual during those dark and uncertain days. In spite of his own personal loses Mayor Bob Parker was able to guide that city (and even our country) through those deeply uncertain times with tremendous grace and skill. Bob Parker would be the first to admit his own failing and shortcomings but even with these he did a pretty good job. If Bob Parker who has faults of his own, has no power to change anything, and yet was able to bring a sense of certainty during seriously uncertain times, how much more, is our heavenly Father able to guide us, protect us, comfort us, strengthen us and bring a solid sense of certainty to our lives during uncertain times? In fact, one could argue that the only thing that remains certain at all times is our sovereign God. The scripture does not promise that our circumstances will change, it does promise that we can embrace them knowing that God is at work in them. I recently read that it is in those darkest moments, when it seems God is inactive, he is actually most active. He is always active, always at work, seeking his followers to keep an eye out for him and his activity and join in, especially during dark days. While all of life may be in upheaval and uncertain our heavenly Father is not, he is certain, he is Sovereign, and he has the whole world in his hands. We can take comfort from this and trust him in the midst of life’s uncertainties.
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