I started out the day with a trip to the War Museum of NZ. It was very interesting to read about the history of the Moury People. I took in a show where they did the Huka and it was electric.
I also saw some of the unique wildlife that lives on this island. There are no natural preditors that live in all of NZ except of course man. Many of the birds dont even fly. The largest of birds likes like a Osterage on steriods. It stands about 15 feet high.

Then it was off to a birthday party sponsored by one of the ICC ladies cell groups. It was delicious and they sang happy birthday to me, gave me a cake that was very warm with all the candles and a NZ ball cap made of leather. Very nice.
Suejet,mary,Stephenie(?), kevin, Fran, Me, Pastor Jessie, shelly,Rowinea, Carolyn, Jill taking picture.
Me and my new NZ ball cap. Super!