I have been busy preparing a series of 4 sermons that I will preach on Sunday evenings in a park around Peachland. I preached my first one last night and I had a nice crowd of about 10 folks who heard about it and came to be a crowd for me so I didn't have to preach to a camera lens. I will be doing this for the next 3 Sunday evenings so I can get them all done in the nice weather and put onto a DVD to send to International Christian Center in Howick. They suggested I do this as a way to keep in touch with them through this 4 month transition period.
Each message builds upon the new purpose statement that I suggested for this Church while I was with them. It reads this way... "The purpose of ICC is to be a group that together with Jesus gathers the nations. To love them, make disciples of them, baptizing them and teaching them in the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God the Father."
I am really enjoying the process of creating these messages as they are in a way solidifying the call of God to go to Howick and join this fellowship in this task.
God is good all the time!
Good to keep sharp by continuing to preach. Any nibbles on the house??
far too quiet
hey kev.....amber and i would absolutely love to get our hands on a copy of that dvd......seriously. we have one sermon of yours and it is what i call a tease. hook me up and i will be in debt to you forever....let me know
dale....ps....willing to pay
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