John and I went to do some more sight seeing this afternoon after all the business of the morning was finished. We ended up on top of a couple of old volcanos that are dotted across the city of Auckland. When we got to the top of "öne tree hill" and looked down into the volcano crater we bust out into laugher because what did we see spelled out in the center of this giant hole in the ground 11,786 Kilometers from home...now is that a sign or what????? I think if it was a sign it would have spelled out Peachland...haha

One Tree Hill from the top of Mt. Eden

This is the view of Mt. Eden from One tree Hill.

the writing in the volcano is very funny! it's a small world after all.....
Does it say Kelowna?
There are so many different races of people in your pictures I am wondering if that is typical or if it just happens to be a multiracial place.
yes Kelowna and yes, in church on sunday I was one of 4 white poeple. Carolyn said good morning in 6 differnt languges when stood to give the annoucements ( they call them notices here.) 10 years ago 1 in 8 was non-white now 1 in 4 is white.
I guess it could be a sign that we are supposed to come!
Chelsey and Jason
and there you have it Chelsey and jason! IT A SIGN!!!! Hope it all comes together the way it has been envisioned! Blessings
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