Monday, September 04, 2006

Are you a non-conformist?

I am not working much these days. I am preaching a few sermons, doing some running around for our next season of ministry in New Zealand and I do have one more wedding to perform in a couple of weeks, but the pressure is most definitely off. I was trying to think of a time when I have not been working...and couldn’t come up with one. I suppose you could say going to school but even that was work and prep work for future employment, so if you don’t include that I have basically had a steady job since I started helping dad on the farm picking rocks and working farm equipment. I'm not sure when that started but I think it was around 14 or 15 years old.
Anyway, since I have the most amount of time I get to do the odd jobs like groceries and other errands. While picking up some fresh peaches the other day on a local farm I found myself in the middle of a very curious exchange of words with the farmer’s son.
As I arrived he was stacking a box of peaches on top of some other boxes but it was the wrong size of box and did not conform to the other boxes and he mentioned this out loud as I approached. For some strange reason I blurted out, " Non - conformist eh? Well you better sell me that box!" I still am not sure why I said that. He responded straight back with the question that buzzed around in side my head for a good portion of the day. He asked, "So, are you a non-conformist then? To which I responded with a solid "sometimes" without any hesitation!
It started me down a road of wondering why I answered - sometimes. As a Christian I am not to conform to the pattern of this world but I am to conform to the image and likeness of the Son of God. So my answer was correct. I do seek after the conformist way of life when it comes to my faith but I also strive to be a non-conformist when it comes to the ideas, philosophies, and attitudes of this present darkness.

I have also noticed that within the society of saints there are those who I deem as sub-cultured Christians. I try and stay away from their pattern of thinking as much as possible so in that sense I would tend to see myself as non-conformists within the faith. This tends to get me into some trouble whenever our ideologies collide within the context of the church. Then I wonder how much of that is just pride sometimes and not healthy? I like to think of myself as someone who would conform to being a non-conformist within the Kingdom of God and the society of saints. If that makes any sense!
It is funny how a simple exchange of words that happens in a split second of time can open up a world of thought within us.
In this exchange of words the depths of what is in one's heart is exposed. I was blessed by that little exchange.
God is good all the time!


Shuana said...
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Shuana said...

i like the words "transformed" and "transcultural"

Anonymous said...

hey kev...i'll keep this brief( for once)i recently have fallen in love with some words as i enter the next stage of my life that make me agree with you 100%.....
revolution , reformation, independence , anarchy( in a non-terrorist sense of the word) and to copy is strange actually that our thoughts as of late are really similiar...and no, i am not kissin up !! being where i am geograhically and personally i am passionate about the journey of ones own identity and how that journey fits into Gods purpose for our lives......ok it wasnt so brief....too bad. hope to see you soon man... i am pumped with the possibility of us sharing our thoughts, in person......dale
keep it real.....