Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Please Stop Giving This NUT an Audience!

This man should be forced to wear a "toxic" or "Poisonous" warning on all of his clothes. What is our responsibility towards these people who simply cannot admit they are way off track? Is it not painfully obvious that they are full of a lying deceitful spirit and therefore cannot speak the truth for they have deceived themselves and the truth is not in them. Claiming to be wise they have become fools, exchanging the truth of God for lies; Claiming not to offer their own opinions they go on to offer their own opinions. Claiming to simply say what the Bible says (which by the way it CLEARLY states that no one knows the day or the hour... taken to mean "no one" not even Harold)they invent new ways of sinning. This man has shipwrecked his faith and is determined to take as many as possible with him. Stay away from him he is toxic and his brand of faith is toxic!

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