Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Our New Friend

Well this will be my 5th try at getting this to blog! I have had some trouble today with my computer as it keeps crashing on me and I have lost 3 entire blogs just before I posted them and one that was lost a couple of sentences into it. I was trying to write about my dear little Paige. She is most definitely a Nichol to the max. She has inherited the "spill-gene" from her father. She has the dubious distinction of being able to spill pretty much anything, anytime on her clean clothes. It always seems to happen when it matters most to be at least half ways decent looking. This weekend we hauled off to Kamloops for a rockets/blazers hockey game with D & P's camp friends. We had a great time (see the pics on Cheryl’s blog) We had not got through Kelowna when I heard from the back seat, "Dad, we need to go to Wal-Mart and buy a Tide Pen!" I had no idea what she was talking about but it turned out that her friend Janelle had given her some of her chocolate bar and she had chocolate crumbs all over her white rockets baseball shirt. It was quite a mess. So we headed into the bowels of Wal-Mart, she found a Tide Pen on sale; she applied the pen to the various areas of concern and WALAH! It was clean as a whistle! All the chocolate stains and the oil stains that surround the chocolate stains completely GONE! I wonder where the stain went one our friends said when I told them this story. Good question?
So, Paige and I now have a new best friend. The Tide Pen to the rescue! You really should try it!


Shuana said...

Nice spankin new look. Did you use the tide pen on your blog too? :)

Nan said...

Hey as the person with the messy gene in the first place, I rushed right out to buy (and use..chocolate on my pants!!)Tide to Go!!