Saturday, November 26, 2005

friday night fun with bruce and niki

see Cheryl's blog for more...

I'm watching you....

separated at birth


Nan said...

How'd you do that?? Hilarious LOL

Shuana said...

Thanks for the laugh!!!!!!!!! I mean HOWL! How did you do this?

Cheryl said...

Bruce & Niki got a new Apple G5. It comes with a built in webcam and a program that lets you have fun using it! I'd buy the computer just for the laughs we got out of that program. It was hilarious!

Angela said...

Hey Kevin!
It's been a long time...great blog. I had no idea you were so photogenic.

Angela said...

Well, finding you wasn't hard...Niki mentioned your blog the other night, so I did a search. We're doing okay; still in Kelowna and attending Mission Creek Alliance now. We're busy, and I know you can relate to that with three kids! Sam is 12, in grade 7, plays hockey and baseball and now is an umpire. Casey is almost 10, in grade 5, plays baseball, and teaches us a lot about patience. Abby is 7 going on 13. She's in grade 2 and is a perfect ratio of girl and tomboy. Kane is plumbing with Rob Ikebuchi for First Klass Plumbing. I am working part-time at the Glenmore Tim Horton's. And that is our little world in a nutshell.