Friday, December 02, 2005

Something evil this way comes

I've been agitated about something lately. It has to do with the current Christian sub-culture. By that I mean the group of saints that prefer to "hunker and bunker" as individuals and families. By that I mean those who move away from the world rather than follow Christ's simple instruction to be "in" the world but not "of" the world.
Four conversations as of late have made me wonder about those who speak of "all the evil out there in the world". To listen to them you would think that at no other time in the history of mankind has evil been so raw and ramped and unredeemable. One person said that they couldn't even listen to the radio because it is so black and depressing and negative. Another person said that the horrible destruction of property and the lives of so many from the 3 southern states was just a "cleansing" from God on all the vile things going on there. Another person said that they couldn't believe how awful it is out there in the world and that they feel so violated whenever they venture forth into society. Finally, a conversation our youth pastor had with another youth pastor whose church is right across the street from a middle school. She said she couldn't mobilize her young people to care about the hundreds of teens right across the street from where they meet. It happens that of the 15 youth 14 are home schooled individuals and they have no, natta, zip, zero relationships with any kids or teachers from that local area school. When I heard that I flipped my lid!
And that was when it struck me. Have you ever noticed that when you come from inside a cozy warm house and have to step outside the cold winter air actually seems worse than it really is? Once your out in it though, before long you slip your gloves off and undo your jacket zipper a bit and maybe tuck your scarf into one of your jacket pockets. You have adjusted to being outside and it not so bad after all. It still is winter, you still need to be mindful of hypothermia, frost bite and freezing to death but if you keep your wits about you, you can really enjoy the winter air.
If we as Christians stay in our cozy little sub-culture groups. If we never venture out into the big bad world of cold air, if we live with unnecessary fears, then whenever we do venture out, or hear a radio or news broadcast we will be "shocked" at how "awful" it is out there. This then only fuels our desire to keep away from those bad evil people out there. And, sadly on and on it goes...
There I ranted. I got this off of my chest. I believe there is a need for fellowship, for meeting together and experiencing the safety of healthy fellowship. But then we must come down off the mountain to the valley below full of people all searching for life, love, liberty, and longing to leave legacies. Unfortunately they end up being deceived into many different things that rob, steal and kill those dreams. Boy do they need the good news. Just any old good news feels like some alien force they are so used to hearing bad news most the time. If they were to hear our conversations about them and how awful they are I am quite sure they would be unwilling to come in from the cold and experience the warmth of the love of Jesus through us.


Nan said...

Good on you! As one who spends the majority of my time amongst non-christians I have to agree. I often find them more open and honest than Christians... for example if they don't like you they let you know instead of pretending to be your friend and then stabbing you in the back! And there are so many great teen agers in the world but only the bad ones get any press. If you feel tainted by these folks maybe you have an inflated idea of your own righteousness. We are all sinners after all and only God's grace makes us any different.

Shuana said...

Sometimes when people are in a vulnerable stage of healing the world feels this way to them. Maybe try to understand... they obvsiously feel vulnerable if they are making such statements.

Unknown said...

Ya I know that could be true but if you knew the folks making these statements like I do, you know it has very little to do with vulnerbility and pretty much everything to do with with control, fear and manipulation! With a little poor theology mixed into the batch to make it look spiritual!