Friday, October 21, 2005

There and Back Again by Bilbo Nichol

Wow I had no idea what I was getting into when I left the house last Friday evening. This whole firefighters chaplain thingy is quite the deal. My butt is sore from the seemingly endless hours and hours sitting in a chair that is made for a 20 minute quick-sit. My mind is numb from the over use it sustained and the sharp and heavy learning curve it had to endure. But, I am now in my family room, surrounded by some of the ones I love the most in this world, and all is right for now. I think there was so much to take in that it may take a couple of weeks just to unravel it all and figure out what is usable and what has to go on a shelf somewhere in the back room of my mind for another day and time. I figure the whole thing must have cost our fire department about $1000.00 all in all to send me to this conference. I am not sure how much of what I learned I can actually put into play in my "paid-on-call" fire department here in Peachland. Most the instruction was geared to the majority of chaplains who "serve those who serve" in professional halls in major centers. But there were still some very helpful, insightful and useful information that I know will come in handy as we deal with the large number of incidents that our little hall deals with in a year.
It was good to have a change of pace, to be in Vancouver, to be treated to a couple of Salmon feasts and to meet some pretty terrific people from all over north America. All of them with a passion to serve their fellow mankind with love, compassion and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. AWESOME!

As a friend of mine always says.... GOD IS GOOD>>> ALL THE TIME!

1 comment:

Shuana said...

So, am I to believe that you were under a mountain, fighting for your life with Smeegle,(sp?) found a ring that made you disappear, and back again to your hobbit village?