Monday, August 22, 2005


The past few days have flown by fast and furious. There was a wedding I did for my neighbor, a serious elders meeting that was so heated that one elder told another elder to leave his house immediately, a serious and painful church discipline episode that was handled this morning after the morning service, and all this was followed by a couple in our church that informed me that their guest that they have been bringing out to church with them has been totally ignored the 3 Sundays she came! They later told me that she had called them up in tears claiming no one accepted her and that she would not be back to our fellowship! Needless to say it has certainly taken its toll on me and I am tired and ready for a good Sabbath rest tomorrow (or should I say today by the time I get this to my blog site). What has the Spirit been teaching me these past few days? Well, probably the most significant thing is the messiness of the christian life. Eugene Peterson once wrote that when we sin it makes our lives messy... and that would seem to me to be the sum of it. Messy. I'm certainly not a clean freak but I know a mess when I see one whether it is in my life or the life of another. There is so much pretending that goes on in our lives. We fake our way through so much I am not even sure we know what is really real at times. We put on the "I've got my life together" act whenever we are in church or when we are around others who we think will not accept us if they really knew how messy our lives were. It's not acceptable behavior to be messy by most standards and that really is a tragedy. I think Jesus was drawn to those who were messy and they had enough sense not to pretend otherwise. Folks who dug holes in other peoples roofs to lower down a friend in front of Jesus for healing or those who barge into dinner parties uninvited and begin weeping and wiping Jesus feet with their tear soaked hair. Messy, very messy indeed. The blind were messy and the sanitized religious leaders tried to keep them and their mess away from the "clean" Jesus. He hung around with cluttered tax collectors and messy prostitutes and messy men who he would later dub as his apostles. To often we sanitize our faith and it sends us into dark lonely cellars of sin. We hid there as often as we can rather than just being honest and plain and that usually means messed up! I guess the most important thing is to just admit the mess and keep on pursuing Jesus with a bit of desperation and lot of determination. Now that's messed up!


Nan said...

What a mess! You certainly have more than your share of church discipline problems. But in many churches all these things are swept under the rug and never dealt with at all. Much better to clean up the mess than to have lumps under the rug.

Nan said...

what's with the gobbledy-gook word verification? Is that to prevent geeks from getting on your blog like the last one?

Shuana said...

Messy, Messy, MESSY! I watched a good sermon yesterday on TV before we went to church. (Church of the Rock in Winnipeg) He talked about the North American church hiring the pastors to DO the ministry. When the pastor's job is really to equip the body of Christ to DO the ministry. Church growth happens, ministry happens when the body starts to use its God-given gifts and starts reaching out to others. He said that most people decide whether they are coming back to a church in the first 10 minutes. That makes the greeters more important than the pastor's sermon. The worship, more important than the sermon, The lawn caretakers and decorators, more important. I actually thought of you when I heard this sermon yesterday...I don't know if this is what is going on in your church, but the load you seem to be bearing may be due to the fact that your church members are thinking that ministry is your job.

Unknown said...

No it's not that, were about the same as other fellowships that way, 20% of the people doing 80% of the work. it's just that we are a church full of broken and messy lives. Our leadership helps carry the load but even they are physically broken down. It is just that for whatever reason our junk comes to the surface while other churches junk keeps getting the "ignor-it-and-it-will-hopefuly-go-away" treatment. We let a lot slid around here as well but sometimes you just gotta doo whacha gotta doo!
oh ya thanks on the tip to get rid of advertisments.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev!

It's me, Deb, and I just want you to know that Scott and I will be your messy buddies any day! You know how much we can relate to you on the messy ministry front, and I just want to encourage you with a little note to say 'Way to go, Bro! -- You're obviously doing something right!' Thanks for your honesty...maybe it will entice more folk to finally give up the notion that they'll ever find (or be) a perfect church! (Take it from a pastor's daughter and a pastor's wife who has spent way too much energy trying to achieve perfection so that no one could ever accuse me of being messy!) Now, I'm head-over-heals in love with Jesus, because I've finally accepted that I'm one messed up girl who is deeply loved by the Father, not because of my perfect obedience, but because of Christ's! Living in the shadow of the Cross -- that very messy instrument of death -- is why I can live loved, even when I seem to be letting everyone in my world down...!

May His peace, hope, joy and love comfort and awaken you, Kev! He knows the amazing plans He has for you!

Hugs to you and the fam...

Unknown said...

Hey Deb! I had no idea you were passing through my blog section of internet realestate! Glad you commented and encouraged by your journey.
Give Scottie a great big smooch for me will ya.