Friday, September 09, 2005

An encouragment card from God

It had been a quiet morning and an even quieter afternoon in our office today. The phone rang only once and it was around 2:00. A voice I did not recognize asked me if I was Kevin Nichol. I assured him that I was every day. He started out a bit awkward trying to explain why he was calling me. As the story unfolded I discovered he is from Grande Prairie and somehow he had gotten his hands on a video tape that was made of a service I had preached in the Kamloops Alliance Church in March of 1997. It took me a while but I slowly began to remember the occasion as he unpackaged the sermon I had preached that weekend during a special outreach focus of the church. Anyway, I finally remembered most of that event and then I asked him why he had called. As it turns out he had been so blessed by the message I had preached he felt deep in his spirit that he was supposed to track me down, give me a call, and ask if I had any prayer requests he could get busy and begin praying for. I almost dropped the phone. It has been such a long time since anyone had come to me and asked me that question. I was a bit slow to answer even lost for words. Angels, maybe not literal ones (or maybe it was who is to say) out of the blue, calling me up to remind me that the Spirit of God had moved on their hearts and prompted them to announce the commencement of specific prayer. Now that is what I call cool! Thanks Lord for that unique moment of encouragement just for me!


Shuana said...


Nan said...

There's no date on a sermon. Dad is always listening to old tapes on the tractor and enjoying them for the umpteenth time.