Thursday, September 15, 2005

Random Thoughts about Storms

I wonder if there were storms in the pre-Noah post-Adam and Eve days. I think I remember some Creation Research scratchy old film that our church in Beaverlodge showed when I was a kid. If I remember it right I was told that storms and rain were not a part of that cool pre-historic world. They somehow had proof that storms and rain were not necessary because the waters from the deep watered the earth. Men even lived longer lives because of this wonderfully protected environment that God had set up. No UV rays from the sun or any other junk like that to worry about getting skin cancer from. It sounded so serene!........... and just a bit boring! Imagining a world w/o storms is very hard to do. Storms like Hurricane Katrina are big, bad and scary. A storm like the one we had at Camp Nakaman many years ago that was the precursor to a tornado touching down in a trailer park in North West Edmonton. That always seems to happen to trailer parks! When I think of the different events in my life each one has a significant storm attached to it. When I lived in the Philippines I remember the huge monsoon rains that flooded the city. Wading neck deep in sewer filled water and praying for the protection of God from catching some weird disease. Or the storm when I was in Hungary one night. The thunder was so loud it literally shook us inside our tent and it even moved our tent. It scared the girls so bad they came and joined us in our tent. It was a bit squishy but we all stuck our heads out of the tent door and watched the show that God was providing. As I think of it I am pretty sure that a major storm has graced most if not all of the memorable events of my life. Storms were a big part of Jesus ministry as well. Some of his most famous miracles happened during storms including the walking on water miracle.
Storms make us wonder. They make us pause, praise or pray. They bring the best out in people when they are moved to merciful marvelous acts towards the victims of really big and really bad storms. How about you, any storms attached to your memories?


Nan said...

MY first memory of storms was hiding under the buffet when thunder was crashing and Mom assuring me the storm was 'out by the green bridge' a couple of miles away. Another memorable storm that we missed was when lightening struck our stone chimney, knocking it partially down and wrecking all electrical features inside the house like the furnace, well, computer, etc. I always wondered what the sound would have been like inside the house.

Shuana said...

please write a new blog, this one is stressing me out :)))

Unknown said...

why's that?

Shuana said...

I feel as though I've just been through Katrina. Storms aren't my favorite thing at the moment.