Sunday, September 18, 2005

When things get resolved

When you go through a series of tough choices that affect other people's lives it can take a lot of communication with many others involved and it can get rough and gruff at times. It often feels like things are out of sync and it can grind on our hearts and minds and emotions in waves. Sometimes I wake from my sleep trying to decide what to do next, what to try and what to avoid trying. I pray and pray for wisdom and a right spirit and it can seem like forever while I am in the midst of the constant relational turmoil around me. It can affect all the aspects of my life, my relationships with my wife, kids, co-workers, and the church and even my relationship with God in adverse ways. It goes through a series of ups and downs like a roller coaster and it affects your stomach as much as it affects your emotions.

A meeting is set. Things get said. Voices get loud and some cry. Silence sometimes accompanies. Deep breaths are taken. A prayer is shot heavenward.

And then something happens.

There is a breakthrough, an illumination, or a revelation and the lights go on. The hearts of those involved soften, the tension in the room drops and the sense of the "oil of the Holy Spirit" begins to smooth over all those involved. Apologies are made, hands are clasped, hugs are given and backs are slapped. A good sign that things are getting resolved is humor. Somebody smiles or laughs or says something that in any other situation would have no humor in it at all but in this place and at that time it brings nervous but heart-felt laughter. People begin to leave, they begin to chat about other things as they move towards the doors. There is a strong sense that the Master has been there, we're all exhausted but somehow it feels good. You walk outside and as a little blast of fall wind hits you you realize there was sweat on your brow and even your underarms feel the coolness. You get in the car and you my shed a tear or just sit in the silence or take the long way home and listen to the radio. I love it when things get resolved. There is no feeling on earth quite like it. You crash into bed and it's gone gone gone the burden is gone. Hallelujah!


Shuana said...

That's great Kevin. I'm glad the situation is resolved. We listened to a missionary from Cuba last night and he was saying the exact same thing about what was happening in Cuba. Pastors are coming together after years of tension and conflict. A retreat that had been scheduled in order to form to "Alliance" denominations got cancelled due to a hurricane. And an event very similar to yours occurred. God is at work. I sense that what is going on is worldwide, and includes us in Canada.

Nan said...

Sounds like your meeting went well. I'm glad things got sorted out.
I hate those word verification thingys..they make me cross-eyed!