Thursday, September 08, 2005

Stare at the stars

Our neighbors have a cute little fellow who is 3 years old. We have a little ritual that we go through each day if he is outside playing when I arrive home from work. I am pretty much guaranteed that he will hauler across the two yards, "Hello Kevin". To which I respond "Hello Michael" with my best french accent. (His dad Guy us from Quebec). It happens day after day after day and now we have progressed to finding out what he is doing and he is very quick to fill me in on all the un-intelligible details of whatever it is he has been up to there in his yard. I like it. Most of these conversations take place around 4:30 in the afternoon. However, tonight I had some after supper counseling and got home after dark. When I arrived home there was no outside lights on and it was pitch black out when I heard that familiar voice from across the yard "Hello Kevin!" At first I thought I was hearing things but I responded back, "hello Michael where are you?" He said, "I am here!" I responded, "where are you right now?" To which he said, "I'm right over here." I couldn't see him anywhere in the darkness. I was starting to wonder if he was sleep walking and had wondered outside without his parents knowledge. I was just about to head over there when I heard another sound, this time it was his father giggling (with a french accent)! As it turned out they were outside on their balcony, laying on their backs, staring at the stars. It was a cute moment and we all had a good laugh. I asked Michael if he had counted the stars yet and he promptly told me there were just too many to count. What a neat moment with some pretty awesome neighbors. I think it was about a week or so ago that I last wondered out and stared at the stars myself. I like to make it a habit as much as possible to sit out on our front deck and stare at the skies and just think about the majesty of God. The one who put those stars in place, the one who calls each one by name, the one who knows me and cares about my every move, my every emotion, my every thought and my every inclination towards him. It makes me feel secure and as though I am in my place in this world. It somehow has a deep down calming affect on me. The heavens declare the glory of God and all I have to do is lay down on my back and be completely overwhelmed with his amazing glory. Thanks for the stars God, they are such a wonder and such a warm blanket of security for me just the knowledge that you are there and you care about me.


Nan said...

City folks miss such simple things as staring at the stars because of all the bright lights. We enjoy them year around if the sky is clear. One memorable moment in Africa at a town called Sanga we lay on our backs in the dirt(trying not ot let thoughts of nakes etc. cross our minds) watching the stars. The Africans say they are the closest on earth to the stars but I don't think I believe it. It is just so dark there that they show up better.

Nan said...

snakes I mean!

Shuana said...

wicked thoughts, those nakes!!!