Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Lack of fire

Yesterday I felt very effective in the pulpit. I had a deep satisfying sense that God was using the message to challenge some stale and ungodly thinking in the lives of many folks within the fellowship. The challenge came from James 4: 4-6 where God uses some pretty powerful imagery to express his view of our selfish hedonistic ways. He used relational imagery such as, adulteresses, friends, enemies, communication and jealousy. All very powerful and very real. After church I had an audition for this movie I have been asked to be in. (I got the part by the way) On the way there I had a good conversation with my buddy who decided all good movie stars need chauffeurs. We chatted about the lack of fire in our church and the Canadian church in general. We discussed it to the point to where we finally threw our hands up in the air and basically agreed that God needs to do some serious shaking up of the church. Unless he does we are on a downward spiral towards impotence and generally being of little or no influence at all in our culture. Maybe we were a little over zealous in our view of things but I do pray that God wakes us up before he comes and has to "remove our lampstand" as a the Canadian extention of his church.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

scary isnt it! But I guess we just keep on keeping on until something changes.