Sunday, May 15, 2005


Have you ever been on the receiving end of being specifically selected for something? This week my daughter Danae was selected by a local ball team by being asked to join them for a weekend ball tournament. She was honored but had to decline the invitation. Then one of the girls on my own team was selected by another Westside team to join them as they headed off to a ball tournament. She was so proud and full of joy to have been selected and even her parents were excited about the possibility. So she accepted and that's where she is this weekend. Then last night I received a call from a local movie production company because I had been selected to come in for an audition to play a supporting role in a new movie. Being selected feels really good way down deep inside. It's like somebody was thinking good thoughts about me even though I wasn't even around them. Even in our faith there is a biblical teaching that centers around being selected by God. Wanted by him, like he is thinking thoughts about us even when we think he is not around. It is a teaching that brings us into the heart of God and his deep down desire to be in relationship with us. While it is true we can be honored by this and decline, if we decline we loose out on so much. However, we benefit so much more when we feel a sense of pride and joy by accepting his invitation to be selected as one of his children. To enter in and enjoy all the fullness of life he offers is really the best response to his invitation. Go ahead, feel special for once in your life!

1 comment:

Shuana said...

Kevin, I like what you've said. It does feel good to be selected.

I choose you as my big brother. Chris and Cam--I choose you as my little brothers. I think you are all really neat--and so do my boys.