Thursday, June 02, 2005


Yesterday at fire practice one of the female firefighters in our hall had her birthday announced. She was turning 25 years old. Instantly and without any forethought or hesitation I started in with one of the baseball cheers my girls use when someone on the field makes it home. Or sometimes the opposition team will come over and with arms up create a kind of arch-way that the girls run through while being cheered on. It goes like this; "we are proud of you, we are proud of you (clap clap) and then repeats itself over and over again. Well that's what I did without thinking and before I could hold back the words the cheer spilled out. One of the guys turned and looked at me kind of strange like and muttered that he thought that was kind of a wired birthday song. A few others just chuckled at how strange of a guy they know I am. I felt the need to explain but somehow knew it would be lost in translation.

Cheering is such a big part of our game plan that during baseball season I often go to bed with some crazy cheer running loose in my mind. I even wake up with them swimming around in my head. As I am writing this I am realizing that this same thing happens to me every year and without fail the cheers come out of me in some situation other than a baseball game.
It got me to thinking, why is it somehow "unacceptable behavior" to cheer someone else just for the sake of cheering for them. We all need to be cheered on, even the bible indicates that we all have a "heavenly cheering section". I've decided I don't care any more about the looks and the jeers about my cheering. I am going to give as many cheers as I can to whomever needs one.
Whose in your corner cheering you on? If you've got someone it sure feels good but if you don't have anyone cheering you on you are really missing out!


1 comment:

Nan said...

YEH!!! Cheer on bud its a good idea, its makes people feel they are worth something and thats good! CN