Thursday, June 09, 2005


Rain. I love rain. I love how the sky changes color from blue into ever increasing shades of gray-blackness. I love the sound of deep rumbling thunder that shacks the house and makes the dog go crazy. I love the sight of lightening as it cracks open the sky with absolute brilliance. I love to hear the sound of rain on the window or roof or the windshield of my truck as I drive. I love how everything is cleaned up by rain and afterwards there is that fresh pungent smell that cuts through the air from the ground up. Rain. For some reason I couldn't remember the last time we had an all day all night rain here in Peachland. I found myself constantly looking out the window of the store where my office is located to watch the rain fall and drops splashing on the road forming huge puddles. Today when Cheryl and I were walking we watched a boy on a scooter run through a huge puddle over and over again. Making waves! The rain brought a reprieve from our busy baseball schedule, it gave us the night off so we played family card games till bedtime. Rain. I love it when I feel rain in my soul. God pouring out his love and mercy drops into my life. The sound of his grace splashing upon the surface of my heart. The waves of his forgiveness washing over me leaving a fresh clean smell from the ground up. Rain in me Lord.


Nan said...

yes, rain is cool unless it is making your crop turn yellow and the fields so soft you can't spray!
But at least we have gone 5 days with only 1 light shower.

Shuana said...

Good writing Kevin. Descriptive and imaginative. I love the rain too!