Saturday, June 04, 2005

Lacking Nothing

Well it is nearing the end of my Friday office time. Thought I would jot down the good news that came out of my regularly scheduled eye doctors appointment this afternoon. After a very thorough investigation Dr. Noell said, " Kevin without a doubt something supernatural has been a work here!" He was responding to how well my eye had healed and how almost all of the scar tissue is gone from my left eye. It is barely recognizable that there was any problem at all. He must have said he was happy to see how well I was doing about 5 times during the examination.
I have to say, this whole journey with the eye has definitely been a faith building experience. I have seen and sensed the presence of God at work in my life while going through this life changing event. It is one of those things that you would never wish to see happen to anyone but in the end, after seeing the positive results, way down deep inside, you're glad for the experience. James the half brother of Jesus said it this way. "Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials brothers and sisters knowing this, that the testing of your faith produced patience and let patience have it perfect work that you may be perfect and entire lacking nothing."
Thanks Lord for the experience and for drawing near to me as I drew near to you. Thanks for your healing touch and thanks for the prayers of church, family and friends that knit us closer together and that you built up our faith by your gracious answers. It is true, it definitely feels like I am lacking absolutely nothing!

1 comment:

Nan said...

great news re your eye. Hope it continues to get better and better.