Monday, June 27, 2005

Good Sunday.

Good Sunday. Made early morning omelets for the lasses before they left me in an empty house by 7:15 AM to hit the pitch for three rugged games of football (hear the Scottish brogue in there). Once again I was able to take advantage of the silence. I also did a bit of prep for the morning, had a nice long hot shower, and headed off to the service. We have made a conscious decision as leadership to "linger-longer" much longer, over the bread and the cup. We have dubbed the last Sunday of each month as "1st Priority Sunday" (sorry Chris) in order to accomplish this. Each time I will give a short 10 min talk on some aspect of either baptism, Communion or prayer. Then we have made more room in the service for the elders to come to the front with oil for anointing and prayers for those who come. The people really responded. Many came forward to be prayed with for many different situations and needs. We went so long that the "sermon time" was reduced to 10 minutes. I loved it. There is something very rewarding and revitalizing when we linger over the Lord's Table and pray for each other in this fashion. Very spiritually energizing to say the least. We were given a treat by a couple of teens at the end of the morning service. They won a couple of awards at a local film festival so we finished off the morning service and invited the folks to stay and watch the 11 min. production called CSI Kitchen. It was amazing! We have so much hidden talent in this little church! After that I had lunch with friends, headed home for a change of clothing and a 10 minute nap, and went off to coach my last soccer game of the spring league. And you all know the rest of the story by now. Proud moment for a dad and a coach!(hear the buttons popping off the shirt I am wearing and ricocheting around the room). So... just as it started out this morning there is silence in this house again. Everyone is sound asleep and so I am able to catch up on all the blogs and even write my own.


Shuana said...

Nice almost chatting with you tonight!

Nan said...

The coach must deserve some credit for this amazing win in soccer. Mixing up the lines was obviously a brilliant coaching tactic and seemed to pay off.