Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The missing man, money,mat,and meat!

Today I mowed the lawn and was surprised at how damp the ground was. The grass is so wet it kept plugging up my mower! When I had finished I headed down to pick up the van from Cheryl's office to take into Kelowna to have it cleaned inside and out. After a weekend of sandy, muddy and wet shoes plus the mess that 5 people can make it really needed a bath. When I arrived Cheryl's friend Yvonne was there. She had picked up Tim Hortons coffee for everyone in the office. But Brian, Cheryl's boss was missing, so I ended up drinking his cup of coffee (sorry Brian if your reading this). Then I headed into Kelowna but about 5 minutes into the drive I checked my wallet and my debit card was missing! So I headed back and picked up Cheryl's card (I later found mine in my bedroom). Then I went to have my van cleaned. When they had finished I drove off and at the first stop light I noticed the passenger side floor mat was missing. So I turned around, went back and was told they often get put into the wrong car and a day or so later are returned. So I am supposed to call back tomorrow and find out if it showed and if not they will replace it. By that time it was lunch time so I headed to Tim Hortons for one of there sub sandwiches. I ordered the BLT with turkey meat. I was driving down the road towards home when I opened my sandwich, took a bit and discovered that the turkey meat was missing! The most serious thing that went missing this week was a fellow pastor. He was missing after he had taken a buddy off on a hike in one of the near by wooded areas of Westbank. They were found the next day a bit tired and scared but no worse for wear.
I figured there must be something to all of these things going missing. I thought I should stop and contemplate this before I ended up 'missing' the point all together. I did a little search of scripture and landed on a terrific passage in Isaiah 34:16. God told the prophet to tell the people to search out the scriptures. They would find that not one prophesy nor one promise was missing it's intended fulfillment! The point was that his word is 100% complete and utterly trustworthy. What he says he will do for his word and who he is are one and the same. Pretty cool. This was meant to calm the people and to free them from worry and fear.
So, don't miss the point here. The bible has so much in it and no matter what it is you can take it to the bank. Prophecies, promises, proverbs, poetry and parables. All written down for our wisdom, instruction, encouragement, hope, and for teaching in righteousness. Nothing is missing!


Nan said...

sounds like a hairy day! Good thing it was your day off cause it was sooooo relaxing. chuckle chuckle

Unknown said...

ya, but I still enjoyed it. Somebody gave me a coupon for a free book yesterday as a fathers day gift. So I got to pick that up as well.

Shuana said...

Hmmm! Somethings missing! Oh Yah! Your day OFF! :)) Just kidding. I know you like to keep busy. Change is a holiday too.